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Instagram story ads have lately been a hot marketing channel for media specialists and digital marketers. It has over 400 million active users that share more than 80 million posts every day. Instagram is one of the top social media platforms that have a highly engaged audience. It offers multiple advertising options like carousel ads, photo ads, and video ads on Instagram Stories.

Here are some simple tips for capitalizing on this profitable social media paid advertising opportunity:

  1. Think Outside the Box

The audience on social media platforms appreciates everything unique and creative. Brands that wish to create a long term relationship with its target audience should come up with innovative marketing and advertising concepts.

Thinking out of the box is the key to get higher conversions. Brands can pick the right template for their ads from the Instagram ad template feature.

Example: The Morning Brew ad clearly explains what their customers should do to sign up on the brand page.

Thinking out of the box is the key to get higher conversions says

2. Tell a Story – A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Conversions come from sincere and convincing ads. Statistics reveal that storytelling videos of 6-15 seconds have a higher ROI and drive more conversions. Brands should not waste this opportunity and roll out advertisements to engage users with meaningful brand storytelling.

Example: The Louis Vuitton video ad is a perfect example of this

3. Maximize the Vertical Space

Instagram stories ads come with a vertical layout. Brands must utilize this space entirely to create eye-catching advertisements. The carousel option is an exciting feature that allows a brand to use up to 3 cards in a single ad. Each card can be a 15-second video, an image, or mixed media. This is a smart way to capture the audience's attention for a longer duration.

Example: Gap is known to use carousel ads on Instagram stories.

4. Maintain a Consistent Look

Creating a brand's voice is an art. The brands who have identified their voice should leave no stone unturned to channel it into their stories ads. It can be the video style, music involved, and colours used in the ad. Even the smallest component makes a remarkable impact on the ad as a whole. If a brand fails to align videos with its brand identity, they might end up getting scrolled past it.

Example: The MeUndies ads are known for their consistency in the market.

5. Highlight the Logo

Logo positioning is a crucial aspect to take care of, in the Instagram stories ads. Every ad is published with a "sponsored" tag on its top right. Correct logo placement can instantly divert the minds of the users away from it.

The ideal positions for the logo placement can be along with the tagline or at the centre of the ad. Brands can take some cues from the popular intro video maker, InVideo and learn the art of placing the brand logos, without making it too obvious.

Example: GymShark features their logo on the model's clothing, rather than on the screen.

6. Simple and Crisp Call-to-Action

Brands should try to simplify their call-to-action as much as possible. Users won't have enough patience to go to a brand profile page and then to its landing page. The hassle can be cut short by incorporating a simple "learn more" link for easier access.

This exercise will also encourage the interested audience to reach the website directly rather than searching for the connecting links.

Example: Check out the Domino's Pizza ads to understand the concept of clear call-to-action.

7. Spice it Up with Music or Sound Effects

Grabbing the user's attention in the first two seconds is not an easy task. However, adding a piece of catchy music and attractive graphics can do the job for you. Brands can use Instagram's music feature to keep to ace this aspect. They can also use intro video-makers to make a solid introduction to their brand ads.

Example: Refer to Juicy Couture or Calm Instagram ads for a better understanding.

8. Creating a Sense of Exclusivity

Often, the audience wants to buy exclusive items that are reserved for a few. They tend to shift their focus the moment any product is readily available in the market. This is the law of exclusivity that brands should follow religiously to increase their converts. Check InVideo to get some creative ideas for this concept.

Example: EA Sports have successfully established a sense of missing out in their Instagram stories ads.

9. Create Magic with the Power of Influencers

Many successful brands use social media influencers and celebrities in their Instagram stories ads. Influencers enjoy a huge fan following from users. If a brand can leverage the power of a successful influencer to grab the attention of the users, this can work like magic for them.

Example: The Instagram video ad by Wild Turkey is a classic example of this. The brand chose actor Mathew McConaughey to attract the target audience.


Ralph Lauren boosted its sales by 18%, just by tapping into millennial demographic through their Instagram story ads. Instagram story ads are a perfect medium for brands to reach the target audience. It is one of the few formats that ensure complete attention from the target audience. Make sure you use these tips to get maximum conversions.

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