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In the interests of saving our planet, and for its cost-effectiveness and efficiency, more and more people are turning to alternative sources of energy. That is, they are considering renewable energy as a source of power for their homes. Renewable energy can be defined as a source of energy that does not become depleted from use. Examples include solar, wind, or hydro power. This article will explore these main three sources of renewable energy, so that we may better understand them. In terms of solar power, there are online providers such as Milwaukee solar, who can tell you more about how you can go about making it a renewable source of energy for your home, to the benefit of everyone.

Solar Energy

Solar power is about converting the light from sun into electricity. This can then be used for the home, or by the grid when not needed. It is achieved by the installation of panels onto the roof of a home which collect the sun’s rays. Direct Current (DC) electricity is generated. The advantages of solar energy are that it is a renewable energy source, it reduces electricity bills, and is low maintenance. It is, of course, weather dependant but this is not a problem in areas where there will be lots of sun. Also, there is plenty of sunlight in the day to make up for there being none at night. During the day, reserves are established that will provide the power for later and the coming days. In addition, as a result of particularly sunny periods, surplus energy will be generated that can then be used by the grid.

Wind Energy

The advantage of wind power is that wind turbines can be built on existing ranches or farms or out to sea where they will be in nobody’s way. They are a cost-effective and a clean fuel source. The main disadvantage of them is concerned with how much of an eyesore people consider them. In the sea, for instance, they can ruin the look of horizons and views as they are still visible even when planted far out to sea. This is in comparison to solar panels which can almost blend in with the colour of a house roof.

Hydro Energy

Hydro energy is that which is generated from the power of water. An early form of this kind of power was the watermill which would provide the power for grinding grain into flour. Other industrial uses, such as creating a working saw for lumber production or as a means of shaping metal (to roll or grind), were adopted by industry, too. It was becoming less common until we rediscovered it again as a source of renewable energy that does not take anything away from our plant, but instead, uses what is naturally there. Just as solar panels use the sun that is always there, and in doing so, do not stop it from coming out the next day. A watermill that will only generate electricity is often referred to as a hydroelectric plant.

Historically, the first water mills date to around the 3rd Century BC. Philo of Byzantium made the earliest reference to one in his works, the Pneumatica and Parasceuastica. The mill would use water to power the wheel, then eventually mill the grain. The wheel’s popularity lessened as more efficient methods, such as steam, were found for production and manufacture during Victorian industrialisation and invention. The disadvantages of water wheels being their heavy weight and the amount of space they take up, considering the amount of water that was lost with overshot wheels due to their height and suspension. The speed of revolution had to be as low as was possible to avoid the premature emptying of scoops because of the greater centrifugal forces that would be generated at the higher rotational speeds. Today’s hydropower is achieved by the gravity forces forcing the water to fall on the turbine, which will spin at very fast speeds to generate power and electricity.

So, in summary there are three sources of renewable energy to choose from. Solar power would seem the most practical for homeowners to take care of it themselves, rather than having to rely on wind farms, or having a stream nearby to power a waterwheel.

For more information on renewable energy, click here.

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