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One of the key factors that determine your decision when looking for the best Sydney electrician is the cost. It varies depending on a number of things, including whether you are hiring an experienced or newbie electrician and what type of work you want done.

To help you understand this properly we have listed a list of several things that determines how much it will cost you to hire an electrician.

1. Experience

One of the key things that determine how much your electricians at Olympic Electricals will charge you is their experience. In this case, experienced electricians are considered to be of high caliber and hence their cost can be a bit high.

2. Residential or commercial work

This is yet another factor that influences the cost of hiring an Electrician. Residential jobs usually involve smaller projects such as fixing broken lights or installing ceiling fans while commercial ones deal with larger scale repairs like rewiring entire buildings. These two types of works require different skill sets and hence the prices differ accordingly.

2. Time of Service

The time of service also plays a major role in determining the amount charged by the electrician. If you need them urgently then you may end up paying more than if you wait until later. This happens for example when you experience power issues off hours. Since you are hiring them out of their routine working time, you end up spending more.

3. Location

Location is another factor that affects the overall cost of hiring electricians at Olympic Electricals. People who live near big cities may end up paying fewer costs. This is so because, in large cities, electrical technicians are readily available at your neighborhoods

but, in the rural areas the services are limited. Consequently, technicians might have to incur travel costs to reach your region and this may go a long way to adding to your costs.

4. Scope of Work

Another important thing that determines the cost of hiring an electric technician is the scope of work. There are very many electrical operations that an electrician can handle. Some examples include: installation of lighting fixtures, repair of wiring systems, replacement of light bulbs, etc. Each job has its own set of requirements which determine the charges. For instance, replacing the entire house wiring requires different skills from repairing a faulty circuit breaker. This being the case, your technician must know exactly what kind of work you want done before making their payment decisions.

6. Callout Fee

Electrician callouts fee refers to any additional fees that the electrician charges after he starts his work. It includes everything from materials used to fix the problem to labor costs incurred during the process. Always ensure you ask about the callout fees upfront since different technicians charge varied callout fees.


Hiring an electrician should not be taken lightly especially if you are looking into doing extensive home renovations. You need someone who knows what they are doing and can do the job right without causing damage to your property. The above factors play a huge part in determining the final price tag on your project. So always make sure you take note of each of them carefully before signing anything.

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