The first impression a customer usually gets of your business is when they dial in to ask a question or relieve one of their troubles. Here, it's crucial to put some extra effort to match your brand's respected image.
Though it might certainly take effort, creating a memorable and unique voicemail for your business that meets the demands and interests of your customers is not a difficult task.
Here are a few easy ways to make your voicemail greetings sound professional and cater to your audience.
Provide Useful Information
You need to provide useful and authentic information on your business voicemail greetings. When you provide the most asked questions, it saves your customer support employers time. Moreover, it's faster this way to respond to unnecessary messages and provides instant support.
You can include the following information:
- Your business hours
- The expected time when you can respond
- Information to frequently asked questions
Ask For Contact Details
Make sure to ask the caller in your voicemail greetings to leave their number and name. Some businesses even ask the caller to leave information like order number and best call back times.
Asking for relevant information, you can save a lot of time and provide an instant response. This also reduces the chances of phone tag.
Keep it As Short As Possible
When someone is trying to contact you, they probably want to leave a message to inquire about something. They would not prefer to listen to a three or four minute voicemail in order to leave a message.
Stick to a shorter and precise voicemail that mentions the necessary information only. You can also direct callers on your website where they can find the information.
Record the Message Professionally
Take your time to write a good voicemail and edit until you have the perfect one that sounds convincing. Plan your greeting and rehearse it a few times before you start recording. Read it out loud so you know what it sounds like.
As you read it, plan the pauses and select the stops where you can take a breath. For recording, hold the phone a few inches away from your mouth to achieve the clearest voicemail.
If you wish to get a voicemail that is exceptional and unique then leave it to professional voicemail messages services.
Have Different Voicemails For Each Department
If you run separate departments in your company, consider having extensions to the phone numbers. This way the clients can reach the specific department without any issue.
Create separate voicemails according to the departments to provide useful information faster. If all the messages are collected in the central voicemail box then it will be tiresome to differentiate and respond.
Keep it Updated
Now that you have managed to create a professional voicemail greeting, update it regularly for any changes. Add seasonal information to keep the message fresh and interesting.
Some businesses have clients who call in regularly, and you need to update more often to keep up with the demands.
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