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Site Analysis - A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Site For Errors, What To Do

What is online site analysis, what does it consist of, what is the difference between paid and free analysis?

Site analysis is a diagnostic procedure, checking several aspects of a site: technical, semantic, marketing, competitive, usability. A comprehensive analysis of the site allows you to detect critical errors on the site, improve its visibility in search engines, increase conversion, and identify the reasons for SEO pessimization.

Site analysis answers such questions

  • * I stopped receiving requests, what is wrong with my site?

  • *Our site is in the TOP30 and is not growing, what should I do?

  • *Customers complain about errors on my site, but I can't see them. How can I fix it?

  • *We have low prices, there is traffic, but customers do not call - why?

  • *My site is in the TOP-5 and does not sell, how so?

  • *The site looks weird on mobile, should it be?

  • *A competitor opens the 4th store, my clients go to a competitor, how can I fix it?

  • *Why is my site not on the first page of Google?

  • *Where are all the clients, 15 users visit my website a day?

There are exceptions, but 70% of the situations that are fully sorted out by site analysis are either related to ranking issues or usability. And this is true, because when website promotion comes to a standstill due to errors on the site, and site visitors find it inconvenient to use it, things are sour.

Website traffic analysis

Analysis of attendance - this is a test site traffic, traffic analysis of your website and the sites of competitors. Online services SimilarWeb, SpyWords, Serpstat, Siteexplorer, SEMrush help to collect traffic to someone else's site. Own site is checked by Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica counters. The tasks that are posed during the analysis:

1. Identify all traffic sources.

2. Collect frequency.

3. Compare the traffic of the analyzed site with the traffic of competitors.

Then there are options, depending on what goals the customer sets. How can you expand the traffic analysis service:

  • *analyze traffic quality;

  • *draw a seasonality graph in projection of current attendance;

  • *compare data with competitors in detail;

  • *analyze internal traffic

  • *segment, dissect visits

  • *get the proportions of the most efficient business channel

At the output, we will also receive a list of competitors, all traffic sources, qualitative characteristics of traffic, user loyalty indicators, and other useful data. Following the recommendations gives a tangible increase in traffic to the site.

Analysis of the site for errors

Website error analysis is a technical analysis of a website online, it allows you to check and detect grammatical errors in the text, to check the spelling of the website. Correcting errors on the site can give a free growth of positions for key queries in the search.

What is included in the analysis of the site for errors (basic):

  • *checking the site for cross-browser compatibility

  • *cross-platform check

  • *responsive layout

  • *check of layout validity

  • *error checking in code

  • *checking server responses

  • *broken links check

  • *checking the speed and stability of the site

  • *checking for errors of text materials (content)

Advanced technical analysis includes error analysis through tools for webmasters and detailed analysis of crawler reports (, Screaming Frog SEO Spider, Xenu, Netpeak Spider).

Technical analysis of the site for errors allows you to draw up a detailed plan of work to eliminate all errors on the site. As a result, site trust, user loyalty, conversion, site traffic are growing.

Site analysis with

Free online site analysis allows you to quickly collect a useful report on your own site and on the sites of competitors. The analysis is performed by services in automatic mode, the report contains the following data:

  • *domain splicing

  • *Alexa Traffic Rank

  • *visit counters status (yes, no)

  • *number of domains per IP

  • *outbound links

  • *outbound link anchors

  • *backlinks

  • *backlink anchors

  • *page meta tags

  • *website page loading speed

  • *server http status code

  • *other technical parameters

Such site analysis for free is more suitable for a specialist to quickly check a site than for a client. It is not enough to obtain such an analysis, it is necessary to have the appropriate qualifications and experience to interpret the indicators.

Google site analysis

Site analysis Google, Google analysis are looking for those users who do not want or are too lazy to write in the search engine PageSpeed ​​Insights. This is the analysis of the Google site, it allows you to speed up the loading of the site on various devices. The developers of the web service have been collecting user behavior data through the Chrome browser for a long time and received a certain reference configuration.

Google's site evaluation service is free and available at . We have put this type of analysis at the end of the priority list. In our practice, TOPs are occupied by sites with zero indicators according to Google's analysis, they do not have a mobile version.

In fact, such ancient web dinosaurs should not be in a hundred searches. Nevertheless, Google has kindly provided this analysis for free use to everyone, they need to use it.

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