Buying petrol pumps for the first time? You might be wondering what to consider. This article outlines everything you need to know when choosing pumps for use with petrol.
Speed of Petrol Flow
You might think that a higher flow speed in petrol pumps is exactly what you want. The idea behind this is that with a higher flow speed, you can refuel more quickly. But that is not the only issue to consider, as a flow speed that is too rapid can promote splashing and frothing. This can lead to fuel waste with every splash or leak from your petrol pumps. Automatic shut off nozzles can be fooled when there’s a high degree of fuel froth, which means that the nozzle turns itself off unnecessarily. Drivers will need to wait in that case for the froth to subside before they can resume filling up the tank, which slows down the activity.
When it comes to petrol pumps, there are a variety of flow speeds for different purposes, including:
Low speed – 40 litres per minute
Medium speed – 60 litres per minute
High speed – 80 litres per minute
Due to the intricacies of flow speed, it’s best to query your supplier as to whichpetrol pumps will be best for your intended use.
Choice of Fuel Meter
A fuel meter is used to measure fuel usage on petrol pumps. This is an area that you do not want to scrimp on, as the more you spend on a fuel meter, the better your records will be in this department. Inaccuracies will show up on a grander scale the more fuel you are going through, which means a smaller fleet won’t need to worry as much as a larger one. You can choose from two different kinds of meters on petrol pumps – a nutating disc meter or an oval gear meter. Oval gear meters are capable of a higher degree of accuracy than disc meters. An oval gear meter reading is within 0.5% accuracy, while a nutating disk meter can vary by up to 2% in accuracy of measurement. This 2% error allowance can have a profound effect on your record keeping.
Compatibility of your Petrol Pumps
Your storage tank needs to be compatible with any petrol pumps you buy. A large amount of suction is needed when you’re moving fuel against the force of gravity, as is the case when you usepetrol pumps with a below ground tank. Above ground tanks don’t need as much suction, but they offer a different challenge – leakage in your petrol pumps. Good installation is crucial, as it determines how durable the connection is between petrol pumps and storage tanks. For high flow fuel tanks, adequate suction is particularly important. Always check with your supplier on whether your intended petrol pumps will work well with your storage tanks.
When buying petrol pumps, there are three major things that you need to consider. The first is your speed of petrol flow – you need the perfect speed for your use, not too fast and not too slow. Too slow and it will take forever to fill your tank, and too fast and you will get splashing and frothing, which is undesirable. Second, your choice of fuel meter will determine how accurate your fuel usage records are, and as this is a way of keeping tabs on costs, this could be very important. Lastly, always ensure that there is 100% compatibility between your petrol pumps and your storage tanks to ensure the best result.
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