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Reasons to have Split System Air Condition

Choosing the right kind of air conditioning system is not an easy task for the residents of Melbourne due to the harsh and unpredictable weather conditions. While buying an air conditioning system you have to consider so many things such as number of rooms, their size etc. In this scenario split system air conditioning can prove best due to the various features it can provide to you.

As the name suggests, split air condition is divided in two or more parts with its condenser installed outside. Here are few reasons that describe why split air conditioning system can prove to be a good decision for you in Melbourne:

Easy to Install: Unlike window air conditions, split system air conditioning does not require any ductwork which makes it easier to install. Even if the main unit has to be installed at a long distance from the second unit in the house, a small hole in the wall is enough to pass the copper tubing which attaches both the units. You can install the outer unit even on your roof if required. Fixation of split air conditioning is also cost effective as very small modifications are required in the house. The installation becomes more affordable as there is very less labor cost because ductwork is not necessary.

Faster and easier to Operate: The split air conditioning system is convenient to operate as you can switch it on by sitting in the comforts of your sofa or bed. Since its cooling system is very effective, it cools the room faster compared to window air conditioners.

Easy to Maintain: The split units come with washable filters which are easy to clean. They only require a routine cleaning from time to time without any extra effort. You can do it by yourself without calling any expert from the air conditioning company. The outdoor units are also designed in a way that they can be easily removed and repaired.

Silent Operation: Split system air conditioning is best for classrooms, offices, hospitals, libraries, bedrooms, and all those places where there should be no noise. If required, the outdoor units can be installed several feet away from the spaces where no noise is allowed which means less disturbance as well.

Heating Capability: The latest split system air conditioning units come with heating system also. The heating capability is such a feature of split system that you can enjoy all the weathers with the sane ease and without getting affected by changing seasons.

Cost effective: This is one of the main features that makes split air conditioning units most sought after machines. Some of the models require very less power making them cost effective. They can work with the same efficiency in the areas where very specific temperature is required. You can distribute the air in different parts of the house and this will prove energy and money saving both.

If you are living in Melbourne, you can visit or contact Savage Air to know more about the various types of split air conditioning systems.

Business Daily Media