When issues arise with your air conditioning unit, it is likely to occur at an inconvenient time. Often, an issue can occur during a sweltering day in which your AC unit is working hard beyond its capabilities.
Being familiar with the signs that your air conditioner needs a check-up and repair job is the key to preventing major repairs or even failure. Detecting an issue within your HVAC system early on is vital. Try to be attentive to how your air conditioning unit is functioning, and it will surely help save money and frustration if a big issue arises.
A well-functioning air conditioner is vital to ensure the comfort and overall health of your family. Depending on the type of system that you have, regular maintenance is a must. If your house has a ducted air conditioning system, it will surely benefit from an expert ducted air conditioning professional's services.
Make sure to check your air conditioning unit periodically and be familiar with these signs that your AC might need repairs.
Unusual Noises
An air conditioning unit should not generate a lot of noise. Depending on the type of sound that your unit produces, it indicates an issue that requires attention. Avoid delaying a routine check-up when strange noises manifest so any issues will not grow bigger.
Clicking sound from the outdoor unit. It might indicate a minor obstruction in the fan of your outdoor unit. Check the fan and get rid of anything that might strike it as it runs.
Clicking from the outdoor unit and the unit will not turn on. It might be an electrical issue in one or more of the system components.
Gurgling or bubble-like sound. The gurgling is likely to stem from the condensate drain line. When this is the only concern, it will not lead to bigger problems. Nevertheless, if there is a refrigerant leak, it requires further assessment.
Banging or rattling from the outdoor unit. It indicates that something is obstructing the fan in your outdoor unit.
Squealing from the indoor unit. It indicates an issue with the fan belt. The sound might come and go, but if there is damage to the belt, it will later break, leaving you with a non-functioning unit.
Screeching metal. The sound is likely to originate from the outdoor unit. It is often due to the fan motor bearings going out on your outdoor unit.
High-pitched scream-like or hissing sound. The sound is likely to stem from the compressor, which indicates a buildup of high pressure, which can be dangerous. It is best to switch off your system until an HVAC technician can assess it.
Warm Air
If your air conditioning unit produces warm air, it will not provide the comfort you need. The warm air moving out of the vents is a sign that your AC unit needs repair. It might indicate an issue with the compressor, or that the system is low on refrigerant. In some cases, it might mean an issue with the ducts drawing air from the outside. On a commercial scale this may require a full flexible ducting service to properly rectify the problem.
Poor Airflow
When your air conditioning unit has poor airflow, this is a strong indication that it is not working optimally, or there might be an obstruction that prevents air from flowing through the ductwork throughout your house. In such instances, a damaged motor, obstruction in the air filter, or even a serious issue might be responsible.
A solution to inadequate airflow in your house is to buy an energy-recovery ventilator. It can provide your AC unit with a boost by exchanging the stale air with fresh air once the system cycles. The air conditioner will also gain an advantage from zoning systems, ensuring that your house will get adequate airflow and cooling potential where it is required the most.
Faulty Thermostat
Remember that the thermostat functions as the ‘brain’ of the HVAC system, regulating which components to function and how long. The thermostat continuously monitors and reassesses those instructions.
If your AC system is not turning on or only works for brief periods before switching off, the thermostat might be responsible. Issues with the thermostat is a clear sign that your AC unit needs repair as soon as possible. The thermostat might require replacement to make sure that your system can function effectively again.
Water or Moisture Leaks
An air conditioning unit depends on refrigerant to cool your house. It also generates condensation as part of the operating process. Remember that these liquids should not leak or accumulate, though. When there is an active leak or pooling of water around your AC unit, it is clear that the cooling unit is not working properly.
Often, when there is moisture all over your system, it might only be condensation. Nonetheless, if there is an unusual buildup of liquid or strange color, it might be best to call in for repairs. When the refrigerant is leaking, it is a serious leak that necessitates immediate attention since refrigerants are poisonous.
If the condensate is leaking, the drainage line for the condensate might be damaged or clogged. In such instances, it is a clear sign that your AC unit needs repair right away.
Skyrocketing Utility Bills
If you end up with a skyrocketing electricity bill, it is a sign that your HVAC system's overall efficiency might be deteriorating. Although it is normal for the utility bills to increase during the summer due to the higher temperatures, it is best to check your AC unit if there is an unusual rise in your bill. The issue might stem from problems in the ductwork or the thermostat. In some cases, your air conditioning unit might be close to the end of its life.
Age of Your AC Unit
One of the last signs that your air conditioner needs repair is its age. Generally, ten years is an ideal life expectancy for an air conditioning unit. If your unit is already closing in or way beyond ten years of use, it might be time to considering buying a new unit.
Although the expense of replacement might be high if you are not ready, a new unit will function efficiently and save money in the long run. Additionally, switching to a new unit will save you from costly repairs.

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