Epoxy flooring is commonly used to coat concrete commercial flooring in industrial buildings and residential garages. It is a system that consists of two materials. When we mix the materials together they turn into a substance that hardens quickly. It is a high gloss or semi gloss durable flooring surface. Epoxy floors fade or turn yellow in direct sunlight. Epoxy coating floor material by Contreat can be used on concrete, wood , cement or metal surfaces. It can be used as an undercoat. Paint flakes can be used to make designs or give the appearance of granite before the mixture dries completely.
What Are The Different Categories Of Epoxy Coating?
Epoxy floor coating has three different categories, the most expensive is 100% epoxy floor coating which is used professionally on commercial flooring. Water based and solvent based epoxy coating has 40% to 69% epoxy and it is also more affordable. Water based epoxy paint is the least expensive choice. They are thinner than solvent based coatings and easy to apply but also less durable. Solvent-based materials are thicker and cover more floors imperfections but respirators are to be worn by the workers to apply the floor coating.
Cost for water based epoxy paint is lesser than solvent based products. For a thick coating, more gallons are needed. The method of application, the type of epoxy used and the number of coats on the epoxy garage floor accounts for the wide price ranges.
How to DIY?
Do it yourself epoxy flooring kits can also be purchased at home improvement stores for a lower price. Prices depend on the type of epoxy, the required number of coats, the square footage to be covered, and the materials and tools included in the epoxy floor kit. Additional materials that are needed may include rubber gloves, Goggles, or roller, and a solvent resistant paint brush. One of the first steps in any type of floor renovation is to grind and seal the existing concrete floor. The process to apply the epoxy floor takes two people, a total of 9 hours and a period of 3 days.
If moisture is there then epoxy cannot be applied, so test for moisture before you start the project. An epoxy floor system requires 1 to 7 quotes. For a standard application, a base coat is put down first, followed by one or more coats of epoxy, a coloured decorative coat and a final top coat. The floor needs to be patched and levelled before applying the epoxy. The concrete can then be cleaned and etched with a mild acid solution or a grinder.
Do-it-yourself epoxy flooring kits are available at home improvement stores, online retailers and at paint stores. The kits have the directions but video instructions can be easy to follow for free online. If you are looking to have a professional epoxy flooring application, call and request references of each company that gives you a bid. You can check with the local government to make sure that the company is licensed and certified. You can check with the Better Business Bureau for some unresolved customer complaints.
You can also go for referral from friends, relatives or neighbours. Many of the Metropolitan areas have semi annual or annual home improvement shows where professionals are advertising for business. These shows are of great help for meeting the service providers and seeing the samples of the materials they are using and the pictures of the work they have done previously.
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