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Essential Factors to Consider in Setting Up Your Digital TV Antenna

Advances in technology have certainly proven to be a great boon for happy couch potatoes out there who have begun to enjoy the benefits of digital TV.

Instead of worrying about costly monthly cable or satellite bills, all you need to do these days is to get digital TV antenna installation work done by professional technicians.

However, if you plan on cutting the cord but are still on the fence, consider the following facts and benefits offered by digital TV antennas:

1. Digital broadcast signals are superior to cable and satellite

Aside from giving you the chance to enjoy free over-the-air (OTA) television, you should know that, as long as your antenna is receiving strong or good quality signals from the different broadcast towers, you can enjoy superior picture and sound quality on your HD television.

2. Local channels are accessible

If you enjoy knowing about and watching community or local news and events, then you’re in for a treat. Cable and satellite service providers usually do not feature local or regional channels that come free with your digital antenna service.

3. Major networks are available via free OTA TV

As long as you are getting good broadcast signals from major networks, you will have sure 100% access to all the programming they have available for their TV viewers. Combined with your access to free local and regional channels, this means you have more choices in terms of programming and entertainment.

Outdoor or Indoor?

Depending on your location and the topography of the area you reside in, there may be instances when you are free to decide between getting an outdoor or indoor antenna. There are also situations wherein you are left with no choice but to use an indoor one.

Whichever type you choose to have (or must use), be sure to remember the following:

  • The higher its placement, the better

Height is always an advantage when it comes to antenna placement. A good rule of thumb which you can easily apply with an outdoor antenna is to place it about 30 feet above ground level.

If, for example, you live in an area where outdoor antennas are simply out of the question, you need to put more thought into the placement of your indoor antenna.

Whenever possible, position your indoor TV antenna in your attic or the second storey of your home, and consider placing it near a window. Also note that in the case of both indoor and outdoor antennas, it may take a bit of trial and error to find the best position so you may find yourself (or the technicians) moving the equipment around to get the optimum signal strength.

  • Nearby objects or certain materials can interfere with signals

Certain items like metal objects or roofing materials can affect signal strength. Other things to consider are the trees, nearby buildings, hills and such that can, in fact, weaken, bend and deflect signals from the broadcast towers.

Since a digital TV signal depends on a clear “line of sight,” try to position your antenna in such a way that obstructions are avoided to ensure you get better reception.

  • Amplified antennas can be useful

If you opt to have or can only use an indoor antenna, find out if using an amplified type would be more appropriate. In general, if you live far away from your local broadcast tower (about 30 miles or more), an amplified antenna will certainly work to your advantage.

However, if you are located close enough to get a good signal and have no real need for a signal boost, you can do away with the extra expense and just stick with getting a non-amplified antenna.

  • Periodically rescan for channels

If the initial scan you did after antenna installation was conducted on a cloudy or bad weather day, be sure to rescan when the skies clear up. You may be pleasantly surprised to find you now have access to channels not initially picked up the first time.

Some stations change to new frequencies, while others adjust their transmission power as well. Rescanning, therefore, can mean getting an additional channel here and there so you gain access to previously unavailable programming.

Be Sure to Call the Pros

Digital TV antenna installation is certainly not rocket science.

But in order to avoid unnecessary stress during the initial setup, it’s always wiser to enlist the services of professional installation technicians since they have the skills, know-how and experience to ensure you get the best viewing experience.

Once you’re all set up, be sure to take care of all equipment, wires and cables by having periodic pest control to ensure vermin do not chew through your home TV system.

Business Daily Media