Cloud computing software is beneficial to any business; however there are some industries that should be adopting it straight away as it can be more beneficial to some. This depends on the nature of the specific industry as the cloud brings with it such an array of benefits to cut costs, time, and energy (literal energy, i.e. electricity), but some will be able to utilise it more than others and their business will be completely revolutionised in the process. I haven’t got time to go into the benefits of cloud computing on the whole, so see here for more information.
Getting into the education industry is a brilliant career path because the world will always need education … well, until the sun implodes and kills us all … it’s also such a massive industry with so many different components and aspects that it makes cloud computing the only real solution that can unite them all. Utilising the cloud effectively will revolutionise how classes are taught; it’s just a shame that - in particular, secondary schools - are so slow to accept change and evolve. I suppose they could always just rely on an owl based postage system like Hogwarts, but I’m not sure how effective that would be.
The healthcare industry (this would mainly apply to private hospitals, as no doubt the NHS already deploys cloud based solutions) is one that is drowning in documentation and files. Being able to utilise one all-encompassing cloud solution would save hundreds of hours because gone are the days where files can go missing; server crashes meant serious implications; and time was wasted searching around various departments. This would also change the way patients themselves engage with their own healthcare as the cloud would allow them to have constant access to constantly updated reports and records.
If there is any technology company not using the cloud then they should be locked away in a cellar with a Balrog. Simple.
There is a great benefit to all office based industries deploying the cloud; however it will have a particular benefit for accountants as it’s another industry with lots of data and files, plus a need for the clients to have access to their information. Accountants work in partnership with their clients and so the company needs to be able to have an infrastructure in place that supports a two-way service. They could also make use of their relatively recent development of the hosted desktop:you can click here for more information, as again I haven’t got time to go into the technological details … time is money, my clichéd friend once told me.
This is a bit of a cheat because being a start-up is not an industry in itself, however if you, as an entrepreneur, are starting a business in 2016, then you cannot afford to ignore the power of cloud computing. The cloud allows you to save money on infrastructure which can be spent elsewhere, but it also means that you can compete with you bigger, more established rivals in terms of technology. It’s a no brainer and so I had to squeeze it onto this list.
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