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Why leading electricians in Melbourne use fibre cables instead of copper

You are likely to have heard the term ‘fibre-optic’ on a more regular basis nowadays. This is especially in relation to broadband. All you need to do is turn on the television and you will see adverts for super fast fibre-optic broadband. In the past, for most electrical applications it was common to use the likes of copper wires. Yet, electrical companies in Melbourne are noticing an increasing trend for fibre cable installation. In fact, a lot of the leading electricians are insisting on using this type of cable for a large proportion of the work they carry out. Here are the reasons why…

It’s faster, and more efficient

There is only one place to begin and this is with the fact that fibre cables give you the potential to benefit from data that moves at faster speeds and longer distances. Copper wires have a distance limitation of 100 metres, whereas fibre cables can travel 300 metres and sometimes even further. Bandwidth is also much greater with fibre optics. They have a standardised performance up to 10 Gbps. When contrasted with copper they can carry more information with greater fidelity. All in all, greater bandwidth and distance ensures a much higher level of performance and thus it is not difficult to see why so many electricians in Melbourne are turning towards this solution.

It’s non conductive

A key advantage associated with fibre cables is the fact that they can be non-conductive if no metal is used in the design. Metal on the other hand is obviously a conductive material and this can present several risks. One of the most serious concerns is the potential damage to computer networks that can occur to outdoor cables if lightening strikes. However, something that tends to influence a lot of applications using metal cables are signal transmission problems, which are caused because of subtle variations in electrical potential. If you have fibre cable installed you will benefit from better TV reception and clearer phone installations.

In addition to the points that have already been mentioned, fibre networks are beneficial, since the electrical contractor Melbourne will be able to ensure that you do not need to have wiring closets with equipment throughout the entire building. Instead, homeowners and business owners can manage their hardware and electronics from one central location. It is also a much safer solution. It is not easy for others to tap into your data, especially as fibre cable does not radiate signals. If someone does manage the extremely difficult task of tapping your system, you will be able to tell, because light will leak from the cable and the entire system will fail.

It offers electricians in Melbourne many benefits

Not only does fibre cable present benefits for individuals using different telecommunications and electrical products, but it presents the electrician with advantages as well. Most Electricians Melbourne prefer working with fibre because it is thin, lightweight and much more durable than copper. Fibre cables are smaller when contrasted with other options and therefore they are a lot easier to handle. They will also take up less space in cabling ducts. When compared with copper, fibre is a lot easier to test and it has pulling specifications that are up to ten times greater.

To conclude, when you take all of the points that have been mentioned into account, it is really not difficult to see why so many electrical companies in Melbourne are electing to work with fibre cables for a whole host of applications nowadays. Not only do they present benefits for the consumer but the electricians themselves as well.

Business Daily Media