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The people on your staff are the people who facilitate your business. Knowing the people who work for you is an integral part of maintaining efficiency and ensuring business needs are met. Getting to know your staff shouldn’t be viewed as a troublesome task. In fact, keeping up with each employee might make your job easier in the long run. Here are some ways to find out more about the people working for you.

Background Security Checks

One sure-fire way to get to know your staff is to run personal information checks into their background. If you have not already taken this step in the hiring process, consider using the services of an expert company, such as GlobalX , who offer background checks into numerous aspects of someone’s life. A background check can include but is not limited to employment history, misconduct proceedings, prior education, and other information. A background check is a way to know your employees’ history without having to ask them face to face.

Social Gatherings

To get to know your staff on a more personal level, consider hosting social activities where employees can interact informally. Social gatherings can allow staff to relax with those they see in the workplace on a daily basis. By seeing you, their superior, in a more relaxed setting, you will become more accessible and relatable, thus ensuring your employees come to you when issues arise. Create opportunities in the workplace where employees can discuss topics other than work; employees need time away from their tasks to recharge and return fresh and with a brighter outlook on their duties. Open forum lunches or short activities during the workday can provide opportunities for staff to unwind and become more comfortable.

Open Door Policyh2> Create an open door policy where employees can come to raise grievances, provide feedback, or even give praise. Allow your staff opportunities to communicate freely with you on a personal and risk-free platform. While being open to receive feedback, let your staff know that communication is not single-sided, and you too can raise concerns regarding individual performances. Being honest and open with your staff is the mark of an effective leader and you can be sure that most will heed your example and come to you when needs arise.

Know Your Team

Make every effort to get to know everyone working for you, whether this is through personal interviews or meetings with more senior management. By knowing your staff on a personal level, you can know how they work. By understanding the ins and outs of individuals, you can best determine a business model based on the strengths and weaknesses of a team. If you can harness the natural abilities of those working for you, you can surely create a more effective and happier workforce. Knowing your team is vital to moving forward in an ever-changing market.

What are the best aspects of your staff? What are some methods that you have used to get to know those working for you? Share your ideas or experiences in the comments below.

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