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As a brand deeply rooted in the Italian territory, FENDI has the preservation of the beautiful Italian landscapes at heart, in just one example, requalifying an abandoned industrial site in the hills of Tuscany to build its “new pole of excellence”—a future production site—distinguished by state-of-the-art environmental performance.

100 % of Italian Sites and Stores certified ISO 14001 & ISO 45001

All the brand’s Italian sites and offices are certified against the best Environmental and Health & Safety standards (ISO 14001 and ISO 45001), with the aim of providing employees with a safe workplace and improving the sustainability of production processes.

Stores are an important showcase of a brand’s sustainability commitment and FENDI has been working on a strategy to lower the environmental footprint of stores worldwide. As part of the LVMH Group, FENDI has adhered to the LVMH LIFE in Stores Award, which encourages LVMH Maisons to implement environmental best practices in stores. FENDI has participated in the “Life in Stores Award” by installing or replacing 100% l light-emitting diode (LED) lighting in stores.

FENDI has also embarked on a journey to make all stores more efficient and greener thanks to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. This certification programme is the most widely used rating system for the built environment, assessing resource-efficient design, construction, operations, and maintenance of buildings.

In 2020 Fendi achieved LEED Interior Design + Construction (ID+C) rating for its Prague and Venice stores. This certification applies to new buildings and aims at developing indoor spaces that are better for the planet and for people. The next target is to have 11 new stores worldwide LEED ID+C certified by the end of 2022.

100 % Energy from renewable sources for all Italian premises

FENDI has also decreed to supply its offices in Rome and Milan, production sites, and all stores in Italy, 100% energy from renewable sources. The objective soon is to extend the supply of clean energy to the entire FENDI network.

The LVMH Environment Department has worked with all the Group’s Maisons over the past 25 years to help them reduce their environmental footprint through a range of initiatives.

The LIFE programme, launched in 2012 and now a strategic pillar for all LVMH Maisons, and an internal carbon fund set up in 2015, are both emblematic of the importance LVMH attaches to environmental performance.

LED lighting cuts electricity consumption by 30%

Some 70% of LVMH’s greenhouse gas emissions currently come from energy consumption at its stores. The primary source of progress has been the introduction of LED lighting, which cuts electricity consumption by 30% on average compared with traditional lighting. Improving the energy performance of retail spaces has long been a priority for the LVMH Group, leading to the creation of the LIFE in Stores Awards in 2016.

Beyond the awards themselves, the LIFE in Stores Awards are a source of inspiration, a roadmap for continuous improvement at all LVMH Maisons. The guidelines established have, for example, led to special training for architects through the LVMH Environment Academy, contributing to achieving the goal of reducing the environmental footprint.

Each year, the stores of LVMH Maisons around the world that have achieved the best energy performance receive LIFE in Stores Awards in categories that include building insulation, lighting density, air-conditioning, and heating, air quality and noise reduction, waste management, and other key areas.

Improving environmental impact of buildings

Fendi has targets in place for existing stores to attain LEED Operations & Management (O&M) certification. This certification applies to existing buildings and aims at improving their environmental impact, the energy efficiency and resource use, and to monitor and guarantee the best quality of indoor environment for customers and employees. The target is to have 15 existing FENDI stores renovated and LEED O&M certified by 2021.

In addition to the LEED programme, FENDI has embraced the recently released LVMH LIFE in Stores Certification Scheme Version4, structured upon 36 quality requirements that are equivalent to, or stricter, to national and international standards and certifications, such as LEED, BREEAM, and HQE.

FENDI says it is working to implement the ambitious environmental guidelines in developing and renovating its stores, with the objectives to have all new and renovated freestanding stores certified in 2022, and all stores developed in accordance with LIFE in STORE Certification as from 2023.

Supply chain almost entirely located in Italy

A Maison with a long Italian heritage, FENDI has built a supply chain almost entirely located in Italy. Products are the result of strong collaborations with hundreds of small, highly skilled artisanal laboratories, each specialised in a unique savoir-faire.

FENDI’s relations with suppliers are based on trust, transparency, and accountability principles, which allows them to disclose names, address, and production type of suppliers, processing facilities, and raw material providers

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