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Openxcell tops the chart, grabs the best iPhone application development company position across India

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(PRLEAP.COM) Openxcell has done it again and this time made it even bigger. According to the latest ranking announced by best web design agencies; openxcell has topped the charts for being the best iPhone app development company. The company has emerged with a rating of 100 in all the categories of application development amongst all companies that have development centre in India. Along with being a top contender in various categories, it has been able to work its way up to the top in no time.

A deep understanding of what people want in their iPhone apps has made us emerge as the top iPhone app developer today." says Jayneel, managing director of openxcell. It is extremely important to understand what clients are looking for from an iPhone app development company. He adds "there are various categories of apps and each and every category needs exclusive focus and a refreshed approach with respect to the UI design and app programming aspects."

But apart from the core aspects of iPhone app development there are various peripheral variables and support functions that an iPhone app development company must take care of. These are application acceptance, application testing and customer support. Application acceptance is directly proportional to the experience of the iPhone app developer. Hence it can be ascertained that the companies which entered the business early would likely to have an extensive experience of app submission guidelines. It is extremely important to understand the guidelines, as rejection of an app after submission can prove to be expensive on both sides. Along with submission guidelines, app testing also contributes a lot to the app. Again, the app testing guidelines differ with respect to the differing app categories. There can be various commands and situations that can lead to glitches in an app. However If you have hired a top iPhone app developer then most likely such situations will not arise.

In the end customer service is one but a differentiating factor that can really set one company apart from another. In this case companies like Openxcell have been focusing on the idea of accumulation of information at one place. The company has been using a project management system that makes it possible for the client(s) and developers to share their ideas at one place while working on the project. This is a great way to add value to the project as such passive barnstorming gives a lot of space to come up with new ideas to improvise the existing app and create a better application in the end.

OpenXcell Technolabs is a leading iPhone app development company. The company holds the prestigious ISO 9001:2008 certification and also a member of NASSCOM.

About OpenXcell:

Openxcell Technolabs is one of the top iPhone app developers. Visit to check out its amazing mobile apps.

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