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Web Design Company WebDesignSUMO Launches its New Website, Announces lifetime FREE Support

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(PRLEAP.COM) WebDesignSUMO, a company that is passionate about helping start-up businesses and SMEs create, manage and expand their website and web applications, has just launched a completely new, easy to navigate website. The SUMOs (as they proudly call themselves), are primarily focused on Creative Website Designing, Web Application Development & Website Maintenance.

With the launch of new website, the company has announced - Lifetime free support - something which no one else in the industry offers right now. "The biggest problem businesses face today are getting hold of their web designers once the project is complete. There are bugs, the response is sluggish, support people are hard to reach. As a result their dream online business suffers. With our new website we want to reach out there and tell everyone - they don't need to worry about that anymore." says company's directory of marketing Mr. Vineet. SUMOs took it seriously and came to rescue with a never before offer of Lifetime Free Support.

WebDesignSUMO's new website was redesigned keeping the following in mind:

Clean, very simple and easy to navigate Search Engine Friendly Responsive Website Design - Optimized for Smartphone and Tablets No mess - very precise information Easy to manage backend website content management system (CMS) Ultra fast loading In compliance with google's guidelines

The no. one mistake a start-up business owners or SMEs make when hiring a web designer is spending a lot of money to create an aesthetically pleasing website that does not convert visitors to customers and cannot be found when using search engines. In addition the website usually has some bugs or complexities that they need help with when they are actually running it.

In a continuous effort to help its client, the company has added the following offerings to its services:

1) Work closely with clients to develop their website or web application keeping in mind their target audience2) Make certain that clients goals are are carefully noted and proper strategies are crafted and executed to enhance their web presence3) Assumption that the website is not going to require any maintenance and updating is wrong - it is vital that the site is updated regularly and is free of errors and malware issues. Our free support covers these issues, leaving no worries to website owners.4) The Free support is usually 6 months, however you can extend it by giving the credit to WebDesignSUMO as the web design company website owners can take advantage of the lifetime free support.5) All the questions/communications are answered within the same business day.6) Offer quality website designing services at affordable prices

WebDesignSUMO works takes pride in working passionately with its customers to ensure the website is developed per the requirements and that its running smoothly and that customers will be able to easily use them and place orders.

Anybody that would like more information about Web Design SUMO is welcome and encouraged to visit the new website at any time; there, they can read more about the services that are available, as well as testimonials from delighted clients."We can count on WebDesignSUMO to deliver. They can be trusted to provide great services at affordable prices. " wrote Mr. Javed Khamisani, one of the company's clients. "We have developed an excellent synergy with WDS's development team and we look forward to continuing our working relationship."

About Web Design SUMOWeb Design SUMO is a SUMO of all web design services - works closely with start-up business owners and SMEs as a helping hand by creating quality, reliable & affordable website and applications. For more information, please visit

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