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Research and Markets: Infant Formulas Market in China - 2013 Report

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DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Research Report on Infant Formulas Market in China" report to their offering.

“Research Report on Infant Formulas Market in China”

This report provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the Infant Formulas Market in China, covering:

- China's supply of raw material milk and milk-based raw materials

- China's policies on infant formula milk powder industry

- China's infant formula milk powder market, major competitors and respective market shares

- development trends

- threats and opportunities


- official sources

- dairy enterprises

- market research institutions


Who Should Buy This Report

The report will provide valuable reference for domestic and foreign dairy enterprises, raw materials and ingredients suppliers infant formula milk powder, equipment suppliers, investment and financing institutions to understand, know and research Chinese infant formula milk powder market, and expand Chinese infant formula milk powder market.

Topics Covered

1. Analysis of China's Milk Powder Production

1.1 Classification of Milk Powder in China

1.2 Analysis of Milk Powder Production

1.3 Production Distribution of Infant Formula Milk Powder

1.4 Management Policies of Production and Sales of Infant Formula Milk Powder in China

1.5 Prediction on Production Capacity of China's Dairy Processing Industry in the Coming 5 Years

2 Analysis of Import of China's Infant Formula Milk Powder

2.1 Overview of Dairy-based Ingredients Import

2.2 Original Infant Formula Milk Powder for Retail

3. Analysis of Infant Formula Milk Powder Market in China

3.1 Introduction to Infant Formula Milk Powder Market in China

3.2 Marketing Analysis of China's Infant Formula Milk Powder

3.3 Retail Price Analysis of China's Infant Formula Milk Powder

3.5 Consumption Demand Potential Analysis of Infant Formula Milk Powder Market in China

3.6 Formula Milk Powder Market for Pregnant Women and Breast Feeding Women

3.7 Formula Milk Powder and Formula Food Market for 1-7-Year-Old Children

4. Analysis on Main Players (TOP10) of Infant Formula Milk Powder of China

4.1 Chinese Infant Formula Milk Powder Producing Enterprises and Regional Distribution

4.2 Market Shares of Infant Formula Milk Powder Brands and the Change Features

4.3 Analysis on Top 10 Players

5. Development Trend of Chinese Infant Formula Milk Powder

5. 1 Technical Level of Products

5. 2 Pricing

5. 3 Market Brand Concentration

5. 4 Market Structure

5. 5 Enterprise Competition

5. 6 Marketing mode

6. Analysis on Threats & Opportunities of Chinese Infant Formula Milk Powder Industry

6. Analysis on Substitution of Chinese Breast-milk to Infant Formula Milk Powder

6.2 Analysis of Opportunities for Chinese Infant Formula Powder Industry

Companies Mentioned

- Abbott

- Ausnutria Dairy

- Biostime

- Dumex Baby Food

- Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group

- Mead Johnson Nutrition

- Nestle

- Synutra Nutritional

- Wyeth Nutritional

- Zhejiang Beingmate Scientific-Industrial-Trade

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