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Comment sought on mine extension

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Brisbane 12 July 2013. The community is encouraged to have a say on the draft terms of reference for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed coal mine extension 20 kilometres north of Moranbah.

BM Alliance Coal Operations (BMA) proposes to amend its existing Red Hill Mining Lease Application to allow for an extension of three long-wall panels of the Broadmeadow underground mine and a future incremental expansion of the Goonyella Riverside Mine (GRM).

The proposal will also allow for the future development of the Red Hill underground mine, located to the east of the GRM complex.

Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said if approved, the project was expected to create around 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 operational jobs.

“This proposed project has great economic potential for Queensland and I welcome the next stage in the proposal’s thorough assessment,” Mr Seeney said.

“At full production the expansion has the potential to produce an additional 14 million tonnes of high-quality hard coking coal a year, over the mine’s 20-25 year life.”

Mr Seeney said after the public comment period, the Coordinator-General would thoroughly review the draft terms of reference and release the final terms for the proponent to address in the EIS.

He said the EIS would cover Commonwealth matters of national environmental significance as well as Queensland matters, following the Bilateral Assessment process.

The project was declared a coordinated project requiring an EIS by Coordinator-General Barry Broe on 17 June.

The draft terms of reference can be viewed online at

Printed copies can be viewed at:

Isaac Regional Library Service, Batchelor Parade, Grosvenor Complex, Moranbah
Mackay City Library, Civic Precinct, Gordon Street, Mackay
National Library of Australia, Parkes Place, Canberra
State Library of Queensland, Cultural Centre, Stanley Place, South Bank, Brisbane.

Submissions can be sent to:


Post:    The Coordinator-General
c/- EIS project manager—Red Hill Mining Lease Project
Coordinated Project Delivery
PO Box 15517
City East Qld 4002 Australia

Fax:     +61 7 3225 8282

The closing date is 12 August, 2013.

Business Daily Media