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Business Mentor
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There is a battle for talent in Australia at the moment, one most employers feel like they are losing.

With vacancies skyrocketing, unemployment remaining very low and productivity in companies dropping, businesses are facing significant challenges keeping their doors open.

In fact, many have been forced to shut for part of the week, as no skilled staff are available to keep things running.

Many vacancies receive no suitably skilled applicants – and some, no applicants at all. Businesses also report that applicants invited for interviews don’t show up or turn down jobs offered to them as better offers have come along. Some even start the new role only to leave within weeks as they are offered better pay or conditions elsewhere.

How we’ve tried to fill the gap

There have been various attempts to combat the staff shortages currently facing Australian businesses.

Many companies are choosing to sweeten the deal for new employees by offering a golden handshake. This may take the form of a sign-on bonus, relocation allowance or significant employment perks including leisure travel and four-day work weeks.

This works well for cash-flush tech companies but doesn’t solve the problem for the average Australian small business, already working hard to come back from the impacts of COVID-19.

The government has been investing in solutions, with a flush of TAFE courses now free for students who meet certain criteria. However, many don’t, and in the current tough financial time, fees for additional study can feel prohibitive. When people are already working two jobs to make ends meet, a two-year course becomes too much – in terms of both time and money.

A suite of new and expanded visas have also been opened up, with the government hoping to attract new migrants to our shores to help keep the economy running. However, this is not an overnight fix.

Recognition of Prior Learning – is this the solution?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) has been put forward as a viable solution to some of these woes. The solution enables businesses to make the most of existing staff who may have been loyal to the business for many years without the opportunity for promotion.

Offered by Recognised Training Organisations, RPL enables students to fast-track their qualifications by receiving recognition of the skills, learning and experience they already have. This reduces the time and workload involved in obtaining a new qualification.

This option, done more quickly, more cheaply and in the student’s own time, empowers employees to obtain promotions within their current workplace, filling some of the higher-level gaps.

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