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Canberra 19 August 2013. Kevin Rudd and Labor are running a false and misleading scare campaign.

Australians simply cannot trust a single statement made by Kevin Rudd or the Labor Party.


Labor have lied in the past to the Australian people – and now they are simply doing it again on a grand scale.


Labor’s claims on jobs, school funding, hospitals and broadband are wrong and this is coming from a government that has failed to meet any of its budget projections!


The Coalition is running a positive campaign outlining our detailed plans to boost economic growth, rebuild household and business confidence and create one million jobs over the next five years and two million jobs over the next decade.


Families can be confident that they will be better off under a Coalition Government and all Australians can be confident that they will have a Government that lives within its means and respects taxpayers.


The negative and false fear campaigns from Labor stand in stark contrast to Mr Rudd’s previous comments about his ‘positive’ new way.


Kevin Rudd told us 11 days ago that:


Australians are sick and tired of wall-to-wall negativity. They are sick and tired of the politics of division. They are sick and tired of the politics of snipping. What they want is frankly politics that brings people together.” (Kevin Rudd, Press conference, 8 August 2013)


And Rudd has previously said:


“In recent years, politics has failed the Australian people. There has just been too much all round. There’s been an erosion of trust. Negative destructive personal politics has done much to bring dishonour to our parliament but done nothing to address the urgent challenges facing our country, our communities, our families. In fact it’s been holding our country back. And all this must stop, and with all my heart that is the purpose that I intend to pursue as Prime Minister.” (Kevin Rudd, Press conference, 26 June 2013)


“Australia is too open and positive a nation to retreat into a tight little ball of negativity Wall to wall negativity doesn’t create a single new job. Negative personal politics doesn’t build a single new school. The old politics of division doesn’t build a single hospital.”(Kevin Rudd, Election announcement, 27 June 2013)


Kevin Rudd has gone back on his word. If he is prepared to do that before an election, just imagine what he will do after the election. Australia cannot afford another three years of Labor.

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