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Brisbane 4 October 2013. Queensland Coordinator-General Barry Broe has made his 200th statutory decision with the release of the final terms of reference for the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the proposed $4.2 billion Aquis resort project north of Cairns.

Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney praised the efficiency and decisiveness of Mr Broe and his team in streamlining approvals to deliver better outcomes for Queensland.

“Since taking up his position on 3 April 2012, the Coordinator-General has streamlined a number of processes to ensure the Queensland Government can deliver outcomes in a timely manner as we grow a four-pillar economy focusing on tourism, agriculture, resources and construction,” Mr Seeney said.

“The decision rate of 200 in his first 18 months contrasts with 74 made in the 18 months prior to the current Coordinator-General starting, representing an increase in decision-making of 170 per cent.

“I welcome the release of the final terms of reference for the proposed Aquis resort at Yorkeys Knob which has been completed 76 per cent faster than the historical average.

“This represents a saving of 152 business days.

“I stress that while this streamlining of the assessment process is delivering results, it is not at the expense of a thorough EIS process.

“If ultimately approved, Aquis will be one of the largest tourism developments in Queensland, and a massive economic boost for the local business community and the state as a whole.

“The project has the potential to create 9,300 direct, full-time jobs during peak construction, indirect employment of 7,300.  Once operational the project will create 10,000 jobs with around 16,700 indirect operational phase jobs.

“Aquis aims to take tourism visitor expenditure in North Queensland from its current value of around $2.2 billion per annum to more than $5 billion per annum from commencement of operations.”

Hong Kong businessman Tony Fung plans to create around 3,750 hotel rooms across nine hotels, 1,200 apartments, 135 villas, a casino, two theatres, a sports stadium, golf course and high-end retail facilities on a 343 hectare site seven kilometres north of the Cairns airport.

The Coordinator-General released the draft terms of reference for public consultation between 12 August and 9 September. The critical issues identified through a number of the 56 submissions include flooding, water quality, drainage, water and sewerage utilities, and road infrastructure.

The proponent must now address the final terms of reference in its EIS to the satisfaction of the Coordinator-General as part of the thorough assessment under State laws.

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