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10 Ways To Make Your Business Greener

There are lots of reasons to make your business more eco-friendly. Going green can improve your public reputation by showing a sense of altruism. It can also save you money in many cases. On top of this, it will give you and your employees a cause to feel good about it. Here are just ten ways to make your business greener.

Go paperless

Digital technology has eradicated the need to use paper at all. Email has replaced the need to post physical letters. Meanwhile, documents like handbooks, rotas, calendars and work plans can all be shared digitally via a private server or the cloud. There are even apps and programmes that can allow you to sign documents digitally using a touchscreen device. Getting rid of paper can have all kinds of benefits. You’ll no longer be paying for paper and printer ink, allowing you to save money. You can also free up a lot of space in your office – there will no longer be a need to own printers and filing cabinets.

Use less plastic

You can also be more eco-friendly by using less plastic. This could include swapping your packaging for cardboard or promoting the use of reusable bags. You can find non-plastic substitutes for many types of equipment online. You may not be able to avoid plastic in all cases – certain containers and safety equipment may need to be made from plastic. However, cutting back on those non-necessary items could still make a big difference.

Use bio-friendly cleaning methods

Chemical-free cleaning is becoming a greater trend amongst businesses. This involves using bio-friendly cleaning agents that don’t pollute waterways or release harmful vapour. Many home stores stock these bio-friendly cleaning chemicals. You can also shop for them online. There are also commercial cleaning companies out there that only use green cleaning chemicals.

Use energy efficient appliances

Switching to more energy-efficient appliances could conserve your energy usage, reducing your carbon footprint whilst saving you money. Such appliances can be identified by an energy star rating. This could include computers, refrigerators, microwaves, HVAC units and all manner of other machinery. You can also save money by switching to energy-efficient light bulbs. Halogen and LED bulbs use up much less energy than your standard incandescent bulb.

Monitor your energy usage

Another way to cut your energy usage could be to install an energy monitor. This can tell you exactly how much electricity and gas you’re using. Having this data available might make you more aware of the energy you’re using. You should also let your employees know about this (you could even set targets). You could also put rules in place, encouraging everyone to turn off lights and unplug all appliances at the end of the day.

Embrace sustainable energy

You can also become greener by switching to sustainable energy sources. Solar panels can be costly to install, but can be a great investment in the long run. By using energy from the sun, you could be able to power your premises yourself and never have to pay another electricity bill. Solar panels are best placed on the roof, but there may be other means of incorporating them such as solar powered car parks. You may also be able to use other methods of generating your own electricity such as wind power if your premises is located somewhere windy or hydro-electric power if you’re situated near a river.

Insulate your workplace

Insulation can trap heat in your premises, preventing the need to turn on the heating as often resulting in less fossil fuels being burnt up. There are lots of methods of insulating your premises including loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, floor insulation and double glazing. Insulation can be costly to install, but you should make up costs in the long run. If you’re leasing your property, you may be limited as to insulation methods that you can use, although you may still be able to make use of draft protectors, thick curtains and window insulation film.

Recycle your waste

Recycling is another great way of protecting the environment. Almost all waste can be recycled - food waste can be converted into compost and plastics and wood can be reused and repurposed in other products. There are special commercial recycling companies that can take your waste away. Meanwhile, you can also recycle old furniture and appliances by selling or donating it. Even damaged equipment such as faulty computers and broken chairs can be sold for parts. You’ll find people willing to buy your broken items on sites like Gumtree.

Recycle your water

You can also recycle some of your wastewater. A greywater recycling system can be installed allowing you to recycle waste water from your sink and reuse it for processes like toilet flushing and water sprinklers. You can also harvest rainwater for these purposes too using a rainwater recycling system. These can be costly to install, but you should make up costs in the long run.

Use videoconferencing instead of travelling to meetings

Videoconferencing has allowed two people to have a face-to-face meeting without having to travel to meet one another in person. It could prevent you have to drive or take public transport, cutting your carbon footprint. On top of this, you’ll save money and save time spent travelling. Businesses are using videoconferencing for all kinds of purposes nowadays. Not only can it allow you to speak to clients that are based far away, it can also be used to interview potential new employees as well as helping you to communicate with home-based remote employees. You can give presentations using videoconferencing and even host digital workshops. You can also use videocommunication on the go - most videoconferencing programmes are also available as an app allowing you to communicate on your phone.

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