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Today’s business world is marked by constant change and innovation, otherwise known as disruption. It’s the key force driving commerce across multiple industries, and if your strategy for success does not account for it, then the odds of your business thriving in the digital age is nil. Here are a few tips for thriving and growing your business in the digital age.

Embracing Disruption as a Strategy

*  In everyday life, disruptions are usually a negative. We equate them with interruptions, and chaos. In the world of business, disruptions drive innovation and profit. New technologies that improve customer experience, or make a digital process easier or faster need to be embraced, and the sooner the better.

*  One key strategy for success is to not only embrace disruptions, but to create them. Innovation is a primary component of disruption. Create the latest and greatest product or service, and the world will be at your feet.

*  A culture of disruption should be inherent in your strategy. Create the disruption, forcing the competition to scramble to keep up. Be the leader, not the follower.

*  Part of a successful strategy is having the entire team on the same page. Look for ways to disrupt your business internally and in your industry as a whole.

*  A diverse workforce with unique visions and ideas working on a common goal will bring the success your business needs. Plan for it, and embrace it.

*  Leaders are often the best listeners. Be sure your team feels safe making suggestions and is invested in the growth of your business.

Marketing Focus

For business, marketing was much simpler years ago, nowadays, businesses have to implement creative marketing techniques in order to succeed in world of digital. For example, in past, you had a certain number of outlets to work with, primarily print media, radio, and television. But today’s marketing plan is much more nuanced and complex due to the digital technology available in the digital age. “Thinking outside the box” is a cliche that is apt for today’s marketing environment. Creativity and precision is required to market across the dozens of social media sites, web sites, blogs, e-commerce storefronts, and the traditional radio, print, and television markets.

*  Goals and marketing plans must be crystal clear with regard to objectives, goals, and strategy.

*  Consider having a team focused exclusively on marketing will allow your other team members to perform at a higher level. If you can’t hire your own marketing team, outsource it.

*  Disruption is not just for the service or product created by your team. Embrace the power of disruption in your marketing efforts to stay a step ahead of your competition.

What’s Old is New Again- Putting The Customer First

“Positive customer experience” is the current corporate lingo for the old cliche “the customer is always right.” This is a concept that will never change, because without keeping your customer at the forefront of your strategy, your business will fail. Every strategy and disruption must be geared toward improving customer experience. Without a loyal customer base clamoring for your latest service or product, your business will suffer.

*  Engage the customer regularly on a multitude of levels. In the digital world this means through email campaigns, social media, and through chat-bots and messenger. This also includes the old fashioned way; never underestimate the power of human interaction.

*  Customer service should be its own department, with defined parameters. Team members focused solely on customer satisfaction will improve profitability. If your organization can’t afford one, consider outsourcing all or part of it.

*  Personally connect with your customer. They are hungry for connections with both products and people. Optimizing every single transaction is key to success in the digital age. Many transactions feel cold and distancing to the buyer. Do your best to leave them feeling glad they chose your company to do business with. Give them the value they crave with both an excellent product and service.

*  The word “data” sounds impersonal and cold. The reality is the opposite if you approach data gathering properly. Getting to know your customer better through data collection will only give your team a leg up in providing the best experience or service they are looking for. Be meticulous, and respectful of the information gained and watch your business grow.

The Key to Success

Constant innovation in every aspect of your business will lead to success. In the digital age where disruption rules, embracing change while holding on to the core principles of customer service will only improve the bottom line of your business.

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