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Engage with the right jeweller

What's the best way to truly wow the lady or man you are planning on marrying in the close or not too distant future? Well, one such way is by proposing to them with a marvellous band that they can put on their finger and wear with great joy, love and pride from here on in. Finding an appropriate cylindrical symbol of your love and union, though, can be a tough task if you don't know how to go about it, so it's always good to have a couple of pointers at hand. Things like the size of the carat if a diamond is involved or the colour of the sapphire might need to be considered before having it placed in the ring. White gold is a nice option but it might not be your or your future spouse's preference, so that's another variable to discuss with the jeweller.

The care you pay for

It's a great pleasure paying for an investing in a relationship with a jeweller eager to afford you the best experience around your diamond rings Brisbane endeavours. They won't treat you like just another customer and will be willing to affirm and recognise your need for individual attention. They will have been down this road before and this sort of insight is invaluable for the experience, which otherwise could be riddled with headaches if you go at it alone or use the services of a company that really does not treat you properly. Discuss your options with them and, if you are not wanting to keep it a complete secret from them, have the person who will be getting the ring as a gift sit alongside you and also ask questions and offer direction during the meetings.

The size of the rock

If you are opting for a diamond ring, establishing the volume of carat at the start is highly important. The jeweller will be able to advise your according to what they think is right and you would do well to let them know your budget - if you can afford more than 'x', great, if you can't, so be it. Let them know whether you are willing and able to budge on the budget, perhaps by a couple of hundred dollars less or more each time. This will really help them understand the scenario too. Ensure that you get some stuff in writing, if not a contract then at least have a loose drawing of what you think you want the ring to look like - the clasps, the band, the setting, etc.

The due date

If you are planning the proposal quite soon, and maybe got going on the ring-making process a bit late, ensure all and sundry that needs to know do know about your impending dates and times. The day or hour your proposal might be a nervous time, and you don't need this hampered further by needing to rush to the jeweller at the last minute. Do what you can from your side to make more time for this sort of thing.

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