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Business Mentor
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Management is a real skill and these day’s good managers are paid very well, often rising up through the ranks to not just manage but to leaders their organizations as well. Despite this management remains a fairly new career choice or profession, something that most people end up falling into by accident, with most universities and colleges only starting to offer courses in the subject in the last fifty or so years. The truth is that good management is more about the person than any actual studying – you either have the skills required to manage people, products or projects or you don’t. In other words, just because you are a good doctor, architect, coder or journalist, it doesn’t follow that you will be a good manager. But what are those skills and what do you need to do to put yourself on the right path to being a good manager. Here are a few key things to do.


Use the right tools

The bigger the team that you manage or the bigger the budgets the more tricky things become, so surround yourself with right tools for the job. This could be in the form of industry specific software packages or online study courses or simple event tracking packages. Maybe it is marketing program management or maybe it is something in the human resources field, whatever it is, be smart and find the best possible tools to make sure that you stay on the path you want to be on.


Communicate lots

Good managers communicate lots. Management does not happen by osmosis so if you want things to be done in a specific way you need to communicate effectively. And by effective communication we don’t just mean banging out emails, you need to find the best method of communication for your people and use that as a means for conveying a message. For sure, you should always follow up with emails, but never just send out mails and assume that your staff will read them, that is an almost certain recipe for failure.



If you want to succeed at anything you need to recognize that you cannot do it all by yourself. Learning to delegate is not an easy thing for many people, but for those who think that the only way they will get the results that they want is if they do it themselves, well, that is extremely self-limiting. You will very quickly discover that not only are you limited by the amount of time in a day, you will also discover that your staff are leaving you in search of pastures new – where they will be trusted and given the responsibility that they need to grow.


Share the credit

A good manager should always be ready to share the glory and credit for success with the whole team. Similarly a good manager should be quick to accept the blame when things go wrong. If you get those two basic things right your people will be running through brick walls for you.



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