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In a country as expansive as Australia, where the driving distances between places are great and the driving times are long, we have become increasingly reliant on our cars. Ensuring that your car is always running well, is properly maintained and can be relied on at all times is important to ensure that your day-to-day goes as smoothly as possible. However, like everything, your car has a lifespan and it’s important to be aware of this whether your car is new and getting old, or old and getting older.

Through its lifecycle, your car will go through changes. It will require different kinds of maintenance and upkeep and as time goes by it will need more repairs. However, as any reputable mechanic in Airport West will tell you, the more you take care of your car now, the more trustworthy it will be going forward. When it comes to having a functional and reliable car in your driveway, prevention is always better than cure, so do what you can now to ensure your vehicle has a long and healthy life.

Keep reading to learn more about the lifecycle of your car and better understand the different stages your vehicle will go through as it ages.

The Humble Beginning

Every car, whether it’s a small little runaround or a supercharged sports car, begins its life in the same place: the factory. Car manufacturers spend time researching and perfecting their designs long before the car is ever assembled and use countless materials to bring you the vehicle that you rely on so much. When the car finally rolls off the assembly line, it’s brought to the showroom to be sold to its very first owner and begin its life on the road.

The Impact Of Different Owners

A car’s lifespan is usually measured by kilometres driven and most cars in Australia will keep going for 400,000 kilometres. However, this depends greatly on how the car is treated, what its purpose is, and how well the owners maintain the vehicle over time. Most cars will go through three to five owners and each of these people will have an impact on the general health and performance of the car over time.

When The End Is Near

Towards the end of a car’s life, problems will be more persistent, more repairs will be required and you will find yourself visiting your local mechanic with increasing frequency. Eventually, one more breakdown will prove to be too much and the cost of repairing or replacing the engine just won’t warrant bringing your car back to life or extending its existence for a few more years. At this point, the car is officially retired from driving but its not quite the end as it has a chance to be of assistance to keep other cars performing on the road.

Giving Back

When your cars driving days are over, it will be sent to a recycling plant, so that reusable parts and materials can be salvaged before it is finally crushed. More than 90% of most cars can be recycled and reused either in other vehicles or in different products and processes entirely. Your car will be drained of all of its fluids such as oil, gas and brake fluid which are then repurposed. The tyres are also removed and recycled for use elsewhere. Finally, the car is crushed and the metal, plastic and glass are melted down to be reused in the manufacturing of other cars.

Completing The Cycle

Many people become attached to their cars over time and they find it difficult to say goodbye. In the final few months of the car's existence, they throw good money after bad in an effort to extend the life of the car and get a little more time from their beloved vehicle. However, most of the time, it’s simply too little, too late.

Looking after your car earlier in its life, getting it serviced regularly, treating it with plenty of TLC and repairing any issues as they arise will ensure a long and healthy life for your car. However, when the time comes to say goodbye, you can make peace knowing that your next car could, quite literally, have a little piece of your last car on board. When your car completes the cycle, the process of manufacturing begins again and so the circle of car-life continues.

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