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Business Mentor
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Getting the maximum return from your promotional investment can be the difference between success and failure in business. When it comes to using branded promotional products to attract and award customers the environment in which the products are offered is a critical factor in the final return on investment of your campaign. Seasonality is a major consideration in gift giving and in capturing the attention of the consuming public so it makes a lot of sense to consider the upcoming summertime conditions in selecting and branding products to promote your organisation.

People spend more time outdoors in the warmer months and this combined with daylight savings provides an opportunity for the canny marketer to connect at an emotional level with existing and potential clients. A classic promotional item for this time of year is promotional sunscreen. Not only is it a legal requirement to supply staff who work outdoors with protection from the deleterious effects of UV rays if you’re planning event or are part of a sports sponsorship program sunscreen is a must have item in these days of skin cancer awareness. Complete with a custom printed ago and available in a range of different pack styles and sizes custom sunscreen is a product idea which has year round application, but even more so as the weather heats up and people spend more time outdoors.

In Australia summer means the beach so promotional towels are a must have item. A day at the beach is not complete with out a towel and the high visibility and size of most beach towels makes them an ideal custom branding opportunity. Using either screen printing or coloured embroidery to add a brand and message it’s possible to keep the final product looking like something even the most fashion conscious recipient would be happy to make part of the summertime ensemble. Added to a summertime package with a tube of sunscreen and a visor to protect from the worst effects of the sun you can create an offer which people will connect with at a practical as well as an emotional level.

Another classic high visibility sun protection product with proven marketing credentials are promotional sunglasses. While designer sunglass brands are amongst the most over-priced fashion items available at retail the actual cost of manufacturing sunglasses, even with UV protected lenses which meet Australian standards, is actually very low. This difference between perceived and actual cost is an opportunity to arbitrage marketing value. A good quality pair of custom printed sunglasses will cost less than a cup of coffee but provide all the long-term protection and utility of a pair which costs a hundred times more. Like a baseball cap a pair of sunglasses is a highly visible gift. The right product with the right branding makes a cost effective gift for grip events or staff as summer approaches.

Another overlooked product in this day and age are promotional hand fans. Where there’s no air conditioning, at an outdoor event or sports sponsorship a hand fan with large scale custom printing of your message is not only a handy way to keep cool it is an unmissable branding device. At a sports event handing them out to the crowd ensure everyone will be aware of your sponsorship and if the event is televised the fans will provide colour and movement which will attract further attention to your involvement. When a member of the royal family or other traveling dignitary is attracting a crowd the simple expedient of handing out promotional fans is a great way to keep people cool, get your brand noticed and then give people a lasting memento of their day out to take home and cherish for years to come.

While summertime is not usually about peak retail sales the clever marketer can take advantage of the public’s change of focus to warm weather activities to attract more attention to their brand and product offerings. By either assembling a kit comprised of multiple products which will provide enjoyment and relief through the hotter months you can ensure your brand is top of mind even when your customers are enjoying the great outdoors.

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