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108,000 jobs for WA as new report tabled

Darwin 18 June 2013. The State Government has released new figures showing more than 108,000 jobs have been created in Western Australia over the past two years as part of $43billion in publicly announced, locally awarded resource supply contracts.

Commerce Minister Michael Mischin said the State Government’s Local Content report for May also showed that the level of local content for projects in the construction phase was averaging 77 per cent.

“This report highlights the real benefits being delivered to West Australians by mineral and energy investment in this State with an estimated 108,000 jobs created or maintained over the past two years,” Mr Mischin said.

“There has been $43billion in publicly announced, locally awarded resource supply contracts since July 2011 when the State Government launched its Local Industry Participation Framework initiative.

“The report demonstrates that Western Australia is enjoying significant stimulus in terms of business activity and employment.”

The Minister said contracting outcomes from major project proponents, Woodside, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Chevron, were also included in the report.

“Levels of local content for projects in the construction phase currently average 77 per cent, representing a continuous improvement on previous reporting periods,” he said.

“Project proponents provide figures to the State Government as part of their State Agreements and current figures further demonstrate that the Government’s policy approach is working.”

Mr Mischin said the report - to be tabled in State Parliament today - was the fifth in a series detailing local industry participation trends and outcomes in the State’s mineral and energy projects.

“The bi-annual Local Content Reports were initiated by the Liberal National Government to provide clear and relevant information on an issue that the Opposition has attempted to misrepresent,” he said.

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