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Overseas Investors Snub Tasmania’s Labor/Green Government

Canberra 27 May 2013. Senate Estimates has revealed that not a single overseas investor has taken up the offer of Labor’s much trumpeted “Significant Investor Visa” program in Tasmania.

Labor’s scheme was designed to attract migrant investors to Australia but despite there being some interest in other States there has been not one single application to invest in Tasmania out of the 435 applications to the 30th of April 2013.

“What this shows is that overseas investors have no faith in Tasmania’s Labor/Green Government,” Senator Abetz said today.

“This should have been a golden opportunity for Tasmania but it has been lost because overseas investors are fully aware of the risks associated with doing business under this Labor/Green Government.”

“Investors from overseas only need look at what Labor and their Green alliance partners have done to the forest industry in Tasmania.”

“Only a Coalition Government in Canberra and a Liberal Government in Hobart can restore business confidence to invest in Tasmania’s future.”

“Our recently releasde Grow Tasmania Discussion Paper will help attract the investment and job creation Tasmania so desperately needs,” Senator Abetz said.

Business Daily Media