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Solar Panels: Off The Grid Australia : The Essential Guide

As more people move to adopting renewable energy sources, the solar panels have become one of the critical inventions for those who want to be independent of energy supplies. For Australians, who have an intention to live with no utilities connection, to solving their energy problem, it is no longer a fashion statement; it is reality. In this detailed Solar Panels guide, we will discuss everything from the basics of Solar Panels, its Advantages, How it is installed, and Key factors to consider when managing an Off Grid Solar power System in Australia.

Understanding Solar Panels
Solar panels also referred to as photovoltaic or PV panels are devices that are capable of converting sunlight directly to electricity through the use of semiconductor materials. In the process, when sun light falls on the panels it causes the electrons to get energized so as to produce an electric current. It is then utilized to illuminate and power homes, banning and several other devices that people frequently use. For off-grid living solar panels are important because they enable the individual to have electricity, which is renewable and not dependent on the conventional power lines.

Off Grid Living Why To Choose Solar Panels

Sustainable Energy Source: Solar energy is alternative and inexhaustible in its supply. This is because choosing solar panels is among the ways of minimizing the impact of green house gases on the environment. Australia has an advantage of having a conducive natural condition to host solar power all year round thus implying a constant and reliable power supply.
Cost Savings: First of all, one has to understand that the cost of solar panels initially might be quite high, but the money saved in the long run are terrifyingly high. The use of solar power decreases or eradicates your electricity expenses and you can always apply for grants or subsidies from the government.
Energy Independence: Off-grid living also has its advantages as the use of solar power system means that you are not dependant on external sources of power. This independence is necessary for the people living in the regions which are unable to employ the normal power supply facilities.
Low Maintenance: The parts of solar panels are few and most of them are stationary; this therefore makes the maintenance of the solar panels very minimal. Small maintenance including cleaning at least once a week would sufficiently do the trick, while occasional checking could also be done.
Increase Property Value: Installing solar panels is also beneficial to homeowners because such properties will experience an improvement in the value of homes. In the contemporary world, people are considering the aspect of conserving energy and hence making your house attractive through installation of these solar panels.

How to choose the right Solar Panels

Selecting the right solar panels involves several factors:Selecting the right solar panels involves several factors:

Type of Solar Panels: There are essentially three kinds of the solar panels which include the monocrystalline, polycrystalline as well as the thin-film type of solar panels. With monocrystalline being the most efficient and long lasting, they are suitable for use in off grid systems. Though polycrystalline panels are cheaper, it is a little less efficient than the monocrystalline one. Thin –film panels are bendable, and lighter as compared to silicon based panels are usually less efficient and not as durable.

Panel Efficiency: The accomplishment of solar panels depends on how efficacious they are, in the production of electricity from the sun. Thin panels are advantageous in that they have higher efficiency, which means the same amount of energy density per square meter.

Warranties and Lifespan: Concerning the warranties, determine if the manufacturer warranty is sufficient and the expected life span of the panels.. High performance PV panels have a warranty of a quarter of a century, making the panels friendly and efficient in the long run.

Cost: Stay close to your budget while undertaking the project, but a closer look should be on the total value and its returns. While it is possible to find cheaper panels, it may cost a pretty sum of money in the long run implying high maintenance costs and less efficiency.

Installation Process

The installation of solar panels for an off-grid system involves several steps:The installation of solar panels for an off-grid system involves several steps:

Site Assessment: A professional installer will evaluate your home in order to know the best access point where the solar panels will be placed. Concerns like the direction of the roof towards the sun or any source of shading and the space that is available for this kind of exposure is also taken into account.

System Design: Owing to the given evaluation, it will be possible to design the solar system that fits their needs and preferences. This involves calculation of number of panels to be installed, type of inverter to be used and the design of the system to be installed.

Permits and Approvals: Before installation is carried out, some countries may demand a permit and approvals depending on the place of installation. In these regards, your installer will take care of the corresponding local and state requirements and jurisdiction codes and standards.

Panel Installation: The solar panels the are installed on the roof or any other place that is most appropriate. This involves the mounting of the panels, wiring them to the inverter, and if the user will opt for the Battery Energy Storage System then the system installation is also included.

System Testing: The system after its installation is checked and tested in order to verify that it is working properly. Things that needs to be checked are the wiring connection, the inverter capacity and also the efficiency of the system.

Maintenance and Monitoring: The Importance of Solar System Maintenance It is important that your solar system is well maintained in order to function smoothly. This includes washing of the panel as well as looking for any signs of problems with the system so that they can be fixed as early as possible.

Battery Storage and Backup

Battery backup is used in off grid solar system, so that you can store power which is generated during the day to be used during night or when the sun is not shining. Other battery technologies in use include lithium-ion since they are more efficient with long lifespan and low maintenance requirements as compared to the lead-acid batteries. Proper battery storage ensures most of the time continuous power supply and system reliability and helps one schedule the use of power efficiently. Through choosing your battery system, it is recommended to consider power requirements, climate of the area and future growth of the off-grid solar system.

Factors to be taken into consideration in the Off-Grid Solar Systems.

Energy Consumption: This means that to design an appropriate solar system, one has to understand the amount of energy they need. Estimate the amount of energy that you use in a day and ensure that the kind of system you want will produce and store enough energy to cater for your needs.

Climate and Weather: Like in any part of the world, the Australian climate is diverse and this is always know to impact the performance of the solar panels in the region. Pay attention to the climate in your area and make sure to incorporate this into your system including the amount of direct sunlight and temperature change.

Regulations and Incentives: He should be aware of the rules, and perhaps, the subsidies for installation of the solar lighting systems in his locality. There are many ways through which the government is encouraging people to install solar systems and these include rebates and incentives.

Future Expansion: Future planning on energy needs. If the energy consumption grows, or you are going to invest in further extension of the system design the upgrade flexibility into your solar setup.


Solar power for off grid lifestyle in Australia can be considered as a wise decision for the present and future as the benefits it has to offer include saving the environment, saving money and obtaining an independence from the utility companies. If one chooses the right panels, is familiar with how the installation process goes and decides whether a battery storage is necessary, one can design a reliable solar power system perfect for the individual. Trading under the name of Off The Grid Australia (, we have a passion for delivering you off-grid and sustainable power and we pride ourselves in providing you with the best solar power support and information. Shield yourself from the harsh rays of the sun and feel the benefits of going off the grid with solar panels.

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