If you are running a goods-oriented business that requires a warehouse, then you are probably well aware of the need for sturdy, efficient storage in the form of shelving. Your workers need to be able to pull items off of it and replace them with new items quickly with a minimum of fuss! Sometimes this becomes difficult as your success grows and the amount of shelving needed increases, transforming your once wide-open warehouse into a maze of dim corridors between rows of towering shelves! Getting in and out with the desired goods becomes problematic under those conditions, and can cost you time and money!
There is a solution to the maze problem however, in the form of mobile shelving that gives you flexibility and more space because you can simply move currently unnecessary shelves out of the way while you access what's needed in the moment!
Increased Storage Capacity - Not only is mobile shelving convenient, but it's a highly cost-effective way for you to increase storage capacity without a huge investment. If you find that you need to add to the amount of storage space you already have, instead of going through the lengthy and costly process of having more regular static shelving installed, simply order up some mobile shelves! These easy-to-use movable units can give you up to 100% more available storage, and you can decide where it goes and when, simply roll it over to the area it's needed in!
Customisable - Since you can place mobile shelving anywhere you need it to be, it is highly customisable from the start! Moreover, the units come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes to fit your unique needs, and many are adjustable. If your goods are large and heavy, or small and lightweight, things like shelf weight capacity and depth can be switched out or around, and adjusted to give you the perfect fit.
Security - Even in a secure warehouse, theft can happen, it's easy for a thief to simply snatch an item off of an open shelf. It can be difficult to close and lock regular shelving, and having custom doors installed on existing units can drive up costs quickly. If you have highly valuable items or sensitive documents, then mobile shelving units can give you a new layer of security since they can easily be fitted together and locked in place, creating a very difficult-to-penetrate shell around your precious goods! Not only will your items be secure, but they will also take up less space until you decide to open the locked units back up to separate them and access the things they guard!
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