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How Can I Delete a Comment on Instagram?

You posted a really good photo from your holidays and one of your frenemies started on mocker you under that as a comment?

You may want to buy followers from Australia to achieve rapid growth. But how, if you don't know how to do this? What if others see it and start to think you're really not as great as you make out to be on the internet? What if they stop following you? 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes will fly away…Crying

What if your parents see it? and ask you to cut your relations??

Worry not! there's a way to delete comments on Instagram.

What is a Comment on Instagram?

Commenting on Instagram is like a mini-review of the photo you just posted. It can be positive, negative, or neutral. But usually, it's just someone trying to be funny. Because let's face it, most people aren't posting photos on Instagram to get constructive criticism. They're doing it for the likes! I always ask myself why they don’t check out for more followers?? isn’t it easier?

But if you are one of the few people who actually care about comments on Instagram, then I'll tell you what they are. They're little snippets of text that people can leave under your photo. And that's all they are! Just some words that people can leave under your photo. So, if you're looking for something more than that, you're out of luck. Sorry!

Why Would Someone Want to Delete a Comment on Instagram?

There could be a few reasons why someone would delete a comment on Instagram. Maybe they realized that their comment was actually sort of creepy and they didn’t want to be associated with it. Or maybe they were just trying to be funny but no one laughed and they felt embarrassed. Or maybe they realized that they accidentally left a spelling error in their comment and they didn’t want anyone to think they’re an idiot.

Whatever the reason, we’ve all been there – we’ve all made a comment on Instagram that we later regretted. And if you find yourself in that situation, just know that you can always delete your comment and pretend it never happened. Thank you, Instagram, for giving us that option!

Can we Delete a Comment on Instagram if we Didn't Like it?

Of course, you have control of your page and your posts so you delete any comment you want on your posts! Just go to the post, find the comment and delete it. end of the story!

But be careful, once you delete a comment, it's gone forever! So, if you delete a comment that someone else made on your post, they won't be able to see it again and they'll probably be pretty confused.

How to Delete a Comment on Instagram?

Here's how to delete a comment on Instagram, so you can delete that mean comment and get on with your life:

  1. open the Instagram app and go to your profile by tapping on the icon in the bottom right-hand corner.

  2. find the photo with the comment you want to delete and tap on it.

  3. under the photo, you will see a list of all the comments. find the comment you want to delete and tap on the "..." icon next to it.

  4. a menu will pop up with two options: "delete" and "report." tap on "delete" and confirm that you want to delete the comment.

and that's it! the comment will be gone and you can move on with your life. delete away, my friend!

Can We Delete a Comment on Instagram If it’s Not Ours?

If you're like most people, you probably love spending time on Instagram, scrolling through your feed, and looking at all the amazing photos and videos people have posted. But there's one thing that can ruin the perfect Instagram experience: someone leaving a hateful or hurtful comment under someone's post. Unfortunately, there's no surefire way to delete someone's comment under someone else's post on Instagram.

However, there are a few steps you can take to try to get the comment removed. First, you can report the comment to Instagram. Second, you can block the person who left the comment. And finally, you can reach out to the person who posted the original photo or video and ask them to delete the comment. While there's no guarantee that any of these steps will work, they're worth a try if you want to get rid of a nasty comment on Instagram.

What Can You Do Instead of Delete a Comment on Instagram?

Have you ever seen those people with a ton of followers on Instagram, but they have their comments turned off? maybe they are using some services to get more and more followers. Well, there's a reason for that. They're probably tired of people telling them how much they suck. I mean, why would anyone want to see all the negative comments about themselves? It's just a big ego boost to have your comments turned off. Plus, it saves you from having to scroll through all the haters. So, if you're ever feeling down about yourself, just remember that even the most popular Instagrammers have their comments turned off. At least you're not alone.

How to Turn Off Instead of Delete a Comment on Instagram?

If you're looking for a way to escape the comment section madness, there is a way to turn off comments on your Instagram posts. Here's how:

  1. Go to the settings menu on your Instagram app.

  2. Scroll down to the 'Comments' section and tap the switch next to 'Comments are On'. This will turn off comments for all future posts.

  3. If you want to turn off comments for a specific post, go to that post and tap the 'three dot' menu in the top right corner. From there, select 'Turn Off Comments'.

There you have it! Now you can enjoy your Instagram feed in peace, without having to worry about wading through a sea of comments.

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