With so many things to shop for and prices soaring upwards since the pandemic, it’s tempting to simply pick up the cheapest version of whatever it is you’re looking for and be done with it.
However, this is often not the greatest long-term solution. Locally-made products are often higher-quality and designed for Aussie conditions. There are a host of other reasons to look for Australian-made options. Let’s take a look at five of the most important ones.
1. Australian-made products are often higher quality
Whether you want to stock your kitchen with one of the best cookware sets in Australia or ensure your sunscreen is up to the harsh Aussie environment, locally made products tend to stand the test of time. This is especially true of anything that will be exposed to the elements, including the aforementioned sunscreen but also things like beach clothes, shade sails, and ethically-made shoes.
2. Locals supporting locals
When you buy from Australian-owned and operated businesses, you’re stimulating the local economy and keeping thriving town centres alive. If the idea of having just three or four mega stores to shop in sounds like a dystopian nightmare to you, then shopping with local brands is the best way to prevent it from becoming a reality.
3. Shopping locally is better for the environment
Many Australian brands place a strong focus on creating sustainable, eco-friendly products. Beyond this, the simple act of purchasing locally reduces the overall impact of the products you use. A set of drawers that has to travel halfway around the world to get to you has obviously used up more resources on its journey than one that was crafted for you by a local furniture maker.
4. Supply chain transparency
Many companies claim that they don’t use sweatshops and that their workers are paid and treated fairly. This may be true of that company’s direct employees. However such statements conveniently allow companies to sidestep the conditions experienced by employees of factories to which they outsource production – especially if they have a long, complex, and obfuscated supply chain that allows them to plead ignorance if poor working conditions are exposed.
When you buy goods that are manufactured in Australia from supplies that are also sourced in Australia, you can generally rest assured that you’re not inadvertently supporting brands that create suffering in other parts of the world.
5. Warranties and repair
If something goes awry with a product you purchased, you’ll have a far easier time getting it fixed if the company you bought it from is in Australia. Trying to get a warranty repair from an overseas brand can be so complicated that many people just end up giving up on it.
Another factor to consider here is that when it comes to Australian businesses, you have a lot of consumer protections in place. Australian brands have an obligation to follow through on their promises, and there are governing bodies you can turn to if your expectations are not being met. This isn’t always the case with foreign brands, especially if they don’t have headquarters in Australia.
Many overseas brands only have an eCommerce fulfillment centre in Australia, meaning they may not be subject to our manufacturing standards. In such cases, you could end up having a tough time getting any action to happen, even if a product you purchased came with a manufacturing defect.
Keep these factors in mind the next time you’re out shopping, and you’ll be contributing to a healthier planet while ensuring your home is kitted out with the best of the best.
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