Metal fabricating and CNC machining shops, like most businesses, run into different frustrations. The issues could involve the following: maintaining quality parts, maintaining fair prices, meeting customary lead schedules, staying up to date with knowledge and technology - to acknowledge a few. Many metal fabricating and machine shops like Decimet Sales Inc. (DSI), based in Rogers, a city close to the Minneapolis, MN area, implement a business service called rapid prototyping. Rapid Prototyping is a quick-fabricating or machining process that makes use of computer aided design professionals and industrial Computer Numerical Control machines or sheet metal fabricating equipment to build a physical product in a quicker timeframe.
One of the obstacles that rapid prototyping shops try to overcome is production inefficiencies. When a client needs a prototype created expeditiously, long-run fabrication jobs most likely will be delayed allowing a rapid prototype production job to be completed. When that occurs, set-up time for the prototyping project and costs as well as scheduling conflicts certainly will increase. Grievance levels escalate because now the machine operators must interrupt the long-run production, tear down the machining or fabrication apparatus and get them set up for the prototyping project. Then when that is accomplished, they must take them apart and prepare them again to finish the long-running production. This is a tedious and exasperating place to be in because now the long-run production project may not be finished on-time or on-budget. Quality and lead times might also suffer. In addition, other customer jobs on the line might not be completed on-time and/or on-budget. This converts to a decrease in client satisfaction, a decrease in sales and lower margins.
Conflicts with Short and Long-Run Production
What should a sheet metal fabricator and CNC machining services shop do to escape the disappointing conflicts described above? What Decimet Sales did was to create a self-sufficient work cell called a Rapid Response Cell (RRC). The RRC work cell, with dedicated machinery and workers is used specifically for short-run production and prototyping work while long-run productivity continues undisturbed.
First, DSI created the RRC as a response to extensive scheduling concerns in the fabrication department because long-run production had to be paused to allow for prototypes and short-running production to be finished. Secondly, DSI wanted to eradicate the additional time and costs necessary to re-tool a machine to make it ready for the short-run work. DSI needed a means to accomplish both types of jobs fluently and simultaneously while staying mindful of costs in both types of production.
In addition, before the Rapid Response Cell, DSI experienced cases in which they were not able to schedule exact start and end dates due to the regular interruptions that were generated by prototype, re-work, and short-run production. Those conditions began generating uncontrollable delivery dates. It was hard to satisfy clients to the measure that they as a company established.
When scheduling conflicts escalated, DSI owners, managers, engineers, and personnel united as a company to brainstorm ideas on how to efficiently correct the conflicts without causing more in the future. There were a handful of good ideas from each department of the company and through them, were able to recognize that a dedicated work cell was the best choice.
The Dedicated Rapid Response Cell Setup
The RRC is arranged in a special area of the shop – one cell in the fabrication shop and one in the CNC machining shop. Production that has a less than 1-week due date, and less than 50 pieces or re-work parts are routed to the RRC with a distinctive designation in the project number. Workforce hours are priced at the same as the other work centers, giving customers one more reason to use the RRC. If there are no RRC jobs to do, the cell performs at normal productivity. The RRC is also utilized for experimental projects, one-piece-flow jobs, testing different production practices or for worker testing.
The fabrication RRC uses a Miller Dynasty 400 TIG welder. This is a high-grade leader in TIG welding machines. With 400 AMP AC/DC, wave form, pulse, frequency adjustments, wireless foot pedal and water-cooled torch, the welding machine can manage all metal fabrication prototype production that comes within the cell. The fab RRC also uses a 60-ton AccuPress Press Brake, Model 7606 with the Advantage Package, and a 3,000-Watt Mazak Optiplex Champion Fiber Laser Cutter.
The machining RRC utilizes a Haas high speed milling machine, a Mazak twin turret, twin spindle lathe, grinders, a drill press, and a large inspection table. These all work excellent for machining prototype jobs.
The RRC employs two full-time operators that work the cells continually, and more can be appointed when required. The RRCs are also located beside the shiprototypingpping department which helps to accelerate the shipping operation. With this arrangement, dedicated machines, and highly skilled manpower, the RRCs are sufficiently equipped to finish and ship any fast turnaround jobs.
Growth Through the Rapid Response Cell
Since the beginning of the RRC, DSI is recognizing very quick success and growth. They have done away with all the distractions and disruptions in long-running production. Customers are extremely satisfied since they have been getting their prototype jobs quicker and allocating more prototyping, metal fab and machining jobs to DSI. "Tension levels have declined remarkably" says Troy Brake, Operation Manager at DSI. "All is operating very well since the high RRC visibility." Now since the workforce notice the RRC designation in the work number, they simply send it to the RRC knowing that they can continue their regular, long-running production jobs without forfeiting time and quality. "Probably should have established the RRC earlier" added Troy. "We could have realized quicker growth and success and a boost to our profits."
Rapid Response Cell – A Gain for Everyone
Decimet Sales Inc. has the equipment and skilled workers available that can be assigned to the Rapid Response Cell manner of production. They created the process to enhance project efficiencies. Long-run production jobs no longer need to be put on hold to allow for prototyping work. Fast prototyping projects can be finished quickly because of dedicated RRC machines and manpower. Stress levels have been decreased along with scheduling problems. RRC means more production efficiency in a shorter time frame and that creates a gain for everyone.
If you require quick prototyping work or short- and long-run production, look up Decimet Sales Inc. They are well equipped to give superior, affordable machining and/or metal fabrication productivity.
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