As we all do the best we can to muddle through this period of heightened chaos and instability as a result of the coronavirus, many of us find ourselves facing a reality that requires us to work from home. What might've first began as a welcomed change of pace, a chance to sleep in, an opportunity to not have to forced into social interactions in the air-conditioned confines of the office, has potentially devolved into a numb routine that lacks the color it once shone so brightly.
Yes, the work from home life ain't all it's cracked up to be. It can be genuinely tiresome to rally oneself up and out of bed, and get motivated to treat the day like it's an actual work day when there's no coworker talking your ear off, or boss standing over your shoulder. Self-care in the work from home environment is essential when one is committed to maintaining productivity levels, as well as keeping their general well-being in check. The following 10 tips are great for keeping up with self-care while working from home!
1. Hit the spa
At this point we can all agree that "spa" is pretty much a synonym for relaxation. The spa is the place to go to temporarily escape the various competing stresses of your life situation. It's a place where one can succumb to the pleasant disorienting haze of a steam room that always smells so soothing, thanks to essential oils. It's a place where one can get every muscle worked over in a massage that leaves them as one happy noodle. The world will always need the day spa. Seriously, now more than ever.
2. Opt for the at-home facial
Yes, with the right ingredients, we can all set ourselves up with an exfoliating, rejuvenating facial. (And you can learn a tip or two after your trip to the spa!) Masks are fun. It feels good to get the glow on, and a facial has an uncanny knack for quieting all those worries of the world. Just make sure to start with a solid double cleanse in order to prepare the skin for the ordeal. And on that note, the cream cleansers are best for folks with more sensitive skin, while the oil-based cleaners work well for folks who don't have to worry about upsetting sensitive skin.
3. Find a therapist
The whole situation right now is a lot for any human being with a decent level of awareness. The world is going through it. Coronavirus continues to turn life as we know it upside down, and it seems like news headlines everywhere are competing for the most dramatic update. One can only handle so much of that stress by themselves for so long before the weight of it just manifests into a perpetual state of pure exhaustion. So, consider seeking out a therapist. In this day and age with the technology we have at our fingertips, it isn't too tough to arrange virtual sessions. The amount of peace that can come from simply talking out one's thoughts and concerns to a couple willing ears professionally equipped to provide relevant advice, is priceless.
4. Commit to an enjoyable, regular workout
With gyms being closed in most places, many of us were thrown into a life situation that made it extremely difficult to muster up the motivation to work out. It's funny how just having a designated place to go to for the workouts made it easier to actually see them through. Well, with the fitness apps and online workout classes we have available these days, it's easier than ever to find some at-home workouts to keep that physical health and wellness in check. Exercise is also an incredibly effective tool for anyone looking to relieve pent up anxiety. Cardio does a beautiful job at crushing those fried nerves.
5. Keep your home tidy and organized
With one's home having evolved into an office of sorts, it's more important than ever to keep that realm reasonably put together. A cluttered room does not pair well with a cluttered mind, and many of us are already dealing with that mental state thanks to the Coronavirus. So, just making the extra effort to tidy things up around your home a few times a week can work wonders for cultivating a calm energy about your home. The world's already crazy enough outside your front door — you might as well keep it somewhat functional inside the house.
6. Eat the healthy snacks
Don't succumb to the junk food cravings and the costly and unhealthy food delivery services that are often bringing you greasy, fried foods that always result in food coma land. No, instead, make the effort to stock up on healthy snack options. With some healthy snacks around, it'll be easier to resist the junk food cravings, satiate the appetite, and one might even be pleasantly surprised to find higher energy levels throughout the day, which will in turn contribute toward higher productivity in the work from home life.
7. Establish a routine
This one's game changing. With so many of us having been thrown out of our routines, it was natural that we ended up establishing some sort of makeshift "routine" situation that really lacks the kind of consistency necessary to help encourage success throughout the work week. There's a reason why so many employers like their employees in the office. It very well could be the fact that it helps folks commit to a routine that optimizes them for the work day. That could mean keeping up with things like a consistent, reasonably early bed time, exercising often, eating meals at certain times, not taking excessive breaks, etc. Point is a routine can help folks remain accountable to themselves and to their teammates at work.
8. Wipe the mental slate clean with some journaling
A little journaling after a long and hard day's work can work wonders for turning down the brain noise. It can be a simple practice like listing out five things that one is grateful for from the day's events, or even just writing out that one particular anxious thought that just won't leave you alone.
9. Establish a clear boundary between work and play time
This one is key. With many of us working from home, the line between work and recreational life can easily get blurred. It's essential that one establishes a hard cut off time, where they embrace the fact that the work day has come to a close. Shutting that computer off and putting it away is all that it takes sometimes!
10. Take consistent breaks to improve one's focus
These breaks could consist of exercises that promote rejuvenation, like breath work, meditation, yoga, or even just staring out the window and observing what's taking place outside. Maybe count the clouds or people watch. The point is that you're giving your eyes a break from all the screen time, and your brain a chance to catch its breath.
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