Whether you own a small or large business your number one priority should be doing all you can to keep your running costs down and to the minimum.
Much like tax and salaries utility bills are an unavoidable part of any business however, there are simple things you can do to help with your utility bill management.
To ensure your company is impacted as little as possible on how much you spend on utilities like gas, energy and water, then here are a few tips that will help you reduce how much you spend on your bills monthly.
Get an energy audit. An energy audit involves a professional assessment to know your current energy use and how you can efficiently use energy to save money.
An energy audit takes a look at everything and at the end of the audit, you will know where your business stands in regards to energy efficiency.
Also, you will know what actions and steps need to be taken so that you can lower your energy cost.
LED lights. If you want to cut down on the energy usage of your business you need to consider LED lights which can dramatically cut your costs. Thanks to the advent of LED light bulbs they are a more efficient way to save on energy.
While most offices still use fluorescent tubes which means more energy usage and this is not good for any business that is keen on utility bill management. LED lights do not have much wastage, they are long-lasting and they will translate to saving your bill in the long run. While regular light bulbs are generally cheaper, LED lights last longer, use less energy and, and overall a more efficient use of energy and money.
Solar energy. Solar energy is free and it is an investment that can pay dividends in the future. It is not a must you install solar energy panels to run your whole business but you can incorporate them to take some of your business power supply off the grid. This will reduce how much you pay your supplier for electricity. Using solar energy is also environmentally friendly thus you will be also helping with promoting the use of green energy.
Dishwasher. The water bill is another bill that needs to be actively reduced. If you have a kitchen that frequently uses water to wash the dishes and other kitchen items then dishwater could be the answer. Research has it that dishwashers reduce the total amount of water used by 50% and also in the energy when compared to washing hands. Washing dishes by hand uses 1.5 gallons per minute while using a dishwasher user three to four gallons per wash.
Make it a team effort. You can not reduce the cost of your utility bills alone. Talk to your staff and share with them the importance of saving energy which directly affects them. Let them be energy conscious and this will help you to save on energy costs.
Lowering your energy bills requires teamwork and consistency, but many businesses have worked together to successfully lower their utility costs, which helps their overall business expenses and the environment.
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