Melbourne based business advisory agency, Accuratus, has a reputation for going above and beyond – and their latest move is no exception. Accuratus is hiring university qualified Gen Zs with outstanding digital capabilities to help their growing stable of clients win the online war. With much of the country in lock down and many businesses moving online, digital marketing has become the new battlefield for business and online shoppers.
“Gen Zs offer a level of online understanding that very few other generations get. They know how to engage online. They were born with a device in their hand,” Roslyn Newbound said.
Roslyn Newbound founded Accuratus in 2015. Accuratus is a versatile business advisory agency that offers an exclusive range of ongoing business support services including maintenance, management, strategic growth and operational services that provide small and growing businesses the benefits of corporate practices.
“At Accuratus, we pride ourselves on our the-sky-is-the-limit attitude. Since the beginning, our business offerings have been flexible, responsive to internal and external challenges, and always looking to the future – and that is why Gen Z are a natural fit for our team,” Newbound explained.
“In order to look to the future, we realised we needed to hire the minds of the future. And at a time when COVID is pushing everyone online, no one knows the online environment better than Gen Zs.
“Generation Z are ambitious and competitive, and truly reflect what Accuratus is all about. This generation of young people are more connected than any we have seen before; they are global-thinkers, technologically savvy and have an incredible level of energy. While strategy is the starting point of any growth journey, understanding your market and how to reach them is essential.
“Gen Zs are also keen to learn and at Accuratus they have the opportunity to be mentored by our experienced team who boast years of industry experience.”
According to Newbound, Accuratus’ distinctive employment strategy is one of the many things that separates the company from other business advisory agencies.
“We have been called the ‘7-Eleven for business’ because we offer everything a business needs at any time of the day,” Newbound said.
“At Accuratus we are proud of our unique business model that has meant we have no known competitors that offer the same broad range of services under one roof like us.
“Accuratus supplies a deliverables-based solution for our clients rather than hours driven. This approach is about efficiency and ensuring our solutions are cost-effective. We are uniquely able to offer a whole business management solution without the need to outlay for staff and overheads.”
Throughout her diverse management career spanning 20 years, Newbound recognised that small businesses are often at a disadvantage when trying to grow or compete with larger competitors due to financial and resource availability.
“I realised I could offer small Aussie businesses a cost effective solution that applied big business thinking to any operation,” Newbound said.
“Our mission is to educate small business owners how to run a business as though they are a large organisation.”
According to Newbound, Accuratus has tripled its number of staff since this time last year.
“It has been so exciting to see our business grow over the last year. We truly believe in our business model and we know we are actively making a difference to small and growing businesses all over the country,” Newbound added.
“Think big or go home is our motto around the office, and that is exactly what we have done this year.” Accuratus takes its clients’ dreams and provides the required knowledge, resources and support to turn those dreams into reality. The Accuratus methodology, when applied in full, has seen all clients double their business income in less than 12 months.”
Accuratus caters to all sectors, including health, construction, security, hospitality, energy and aged care.
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