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Preschool: The Ultimate Guide to Early Years Learning

Preschools offer programs that prepare young children, usually around the age of four, for their educational life. They do this through activities, mostly geared around play, crafting, music, and other non-academic pursuits, delivered by specially-qualified teachers..

Which activities children take part in while at preschool can vary by curriculum, learning philosophy, geography, or any number of other factors. Typically, activities will be both indoor and outdoor, and be aimed at increasing children's knowledge, abilities, and social skills. A child's day might include reading, painting, drawing, water play, drama, physical play, group play, crafting, puzzles, games, or building. They may also learn the basic blocks of reading and writing through stories, singing, or even performing with basic musical instruments.

Preschool in Australia

Australian preschool programs vary by state and territory, but are mostly housed in facilities either attached to or nearby a school. Some privately-owned preschools sit on their own land. Others, usually in more rural areas, offer bus services, mobile learning centers, or even online programs for children whose homes are isolated or remote.

Who owns and operates preschools also varies by state, and sometimes, even within states. Some are government-owned, some are attached to government-owned primary schools, some are privately owned, and some are run by community groups. All teaching is done by qualified early years teachers, but the facilities are operated by either state government, private companies, or parent committees, depending on where you are.

Types of Schooling

Australia has several different curricula and programs for young children. Programs may run from just two hours to seven hours a day, or in the case of 'long day' preschools, for an entire day. Some offer flexible hours for parents who work.

Australian preschools also vary by curriculum. There are several different schools of learning outside of traditional methods that are popular right across the country.

Steiner schools, also known as Waldorf schools, teach a curriculum that aims to encourage not only academic learning, but artistic and emotional learning, too. In Montessori schools, learning is self-directed by the children – allowing them to make their own choices, with appropriate guidance by teachers. Reggio Emilia schools take a similar approach, but unlike Montessori schools, they have no recognizable curriculum.

Why Preschool Is Important

Preschool is an extremely important step in a child’s development. They help children learn social skills and communication through interacting with their peers, and to make new friends. They also learn about non-parental authority figures and learn how to respond to adults.

At preschool, children also learn skills that will stand them in good stead for when they start primary school - letters, numbers, words, and fine motor skills, such as drawing, holding a pen, cutting, crafting, and building. They also develop physical skills, such as throwing, rolling, catching, and balancing.

Young children need to learn independence, responsibility, accountability, and self-confidence through spending time out of their familiar home environment and away from their parents. Preschool is a key step along this road. Try your nearest Kids Kinder Childcare Group for more information.

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