Here are some ideas:
Promote greener travel amongst employees
If your company is large enough, you could create some kind of incentive for employees to come in together using one car, a car share scheme perhaps. Or you could provide a green bus service. Alternatively, a lot of companies have introduced a cycle to work scheme, could this be something you employ?
Get out in the community
At any local event, you should put yourself forward and offer to do a talk about how your company is embracing the challenge of becoming greener. You could even get together with other small business in the area and host your own green event. It may be an idea to get in touch with local schools and possibly put on some kind of exhibit where the children can learn about businesses in the local community and how they are embracing the green revolution. You could show them how things have changed over time. Another idea could be to organise some kind of plastic clean up operation around the local town or village. You may inspire a whole community to come out, and this would be great for your business's name.
Use Eco-Products
Swap the brands you have been purchasing for the office and change them to Eco-Friendly ones instead, such as Earth Friendly Promos. Try and purchase products which are sustainable and biodegradable.
Cut down on plastic
You could give your staff a reusable cup or bottle, so you no longer have to purchase plastic cups for the water filter. In the long run, this will actually end up saving you money too. Ensure you use reusable cutlery in the canteen, no plastic knives and forks. Perhaps you could source milk from reusable glass bottles, and the sandwiches in the canteen could be made on site or covered in biodegradable packaging.
Canteen meals
You could ensure that the cuisine you offer has ingredients that are sourced locally. Do you have any garden space, perhaps you could grow some fruit and vegetables there, you could make it something for all the staff help with. You could also promote meat-free alternative meal days.
You could have a meeting with all your staff and get more tips and ideas from them about how to reduce plastic and waste in the workplace. They may have some good ideas on eco-friendly alternatively too.
There are many ways to get out there and show the world that your company is on trend and cares about the environment for the future of everyone. So, start today.
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