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Be Unique and Catchy – Promote Your Brand

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when the word “brand” is mentioned? Yes, just like the rest of us, the first thing that comes to your mind is picture of a logo. This is because branding is commonly associated with logos – the symbols or the designs adopted by a certain company to represent their products or services. Now it is high time for you to realize that branding is not just about logos; it’s more than just that. Why branding is important, you are about to know why, but you can also check the Internet for related reading materials such as this:

Branding is a practice in marketing where a company creates a symbol or a design that can easily be taken or seen by people as part of the company or owned by it. This serves as identification and distinguishes a product or service from the rest. Companies either use a term, or a design, a symbol, or name, or any unique feature that is easily identified as one’s product or service, distinct from all the rest. This is used in businesses, in marketing and advertising.

Is There A Need to Brand?

Using a brand is important because of the following reasons:

A brand sets you apart from your competitions – today’s market is highly competitive and it is very important that your products or services will stand out from all the rest. Competing internationally means thousands of similar industries, organizations, companies as yours so it is important that you are identified apart from the rest.

Referrals are generated by a strong brand – people love to tell stories about brands that they have tried and like. Whether its food, clothes, shoes, equipment, furniture, cars, accessories, services, or others people or consumers always would tell others about the ones they love. In fact, new consumers take actions based on personal accounts of friends and acquaintances regarding their experiences with brands; recommendations are the best forms of advertising a brand.

With branding expectations are set – a consistent and strong brand will let the customer know what exactly to expect every time they would use or encounter your product or service. Trust and credibility is important, and a professional look builds these. If your brand looks professional, most often people would choose you more than one which is not, because a professional look makes a company seem legit. The brand represents a promise to customers – an unspoken contract.

Strong brands are value-adding – more than the physical assets of a company, its strong brand makes it successful and adds value to the business. Think about Coca-Cola, it is worth more than its physical assets; the brand name alone worth 67 million US dollars.

Trust is created through branding – people would more likely buy from a business that looks professional and legit. Brands can gain a company trust from the people who patronize it. This promotes familiarity among its consumers, and consequently would make you stick to the minds of people. When the brand is consistent it is easy to recognize.

A good branding does not only sells your products and services, but it also gives direction and inspiration to employees, thus making them motivated. A good brand also means good reputation, hence, attracting customers easier. Your brand is your customer’s perception of you. With today’s innovation and technology, branding is now easier. Click here to check out samples of ways to brand your products and more ideas on how branding is being done.

Things to Consider When Creating Your Brand

Creating a brand for a company takes time; it requires careful study and planning. The following need to be considered thoroughly in creating your brand.

Target market must be identified - what type of customers do you want to target at? The kinds of customers you attract also influence the success of the company. Graphics, jingle, etc. also need to be planned – trendy music and hip-hop tunes will definitely attract younger customers, but not the mature ones. Jazz and classical music will attract older customers more than the younger ones.

Make your brand unique and legal – research and study your ideas to ensure that you do not infringe ideas and brands of other companies. When you have finalized your ideas and have created your brand, make sure to register your trademark to make it legal so your company will be protected from posers and impostors.

Color scheme and logo – choose your color and fonts wisely – simple font and color will easily be remembered. Be meticulous in choosing a graphic that represents your business – this will also help a lot.

Use of endorsers – stimulation of the senses helps your brand stick to customers; an effective strategy would be to make use of celebrities and known personalities in your commercials. A famous celebrity, Michael Jackson for example, would attract more attention way more than just an ordinary individual. But you can also make your own character – animated celebrities, like that of M&Ms, is also a good marketing strategy. You can always seek the help of professional graphic artists to do this with you. Famous celebrities still top the endorsement charts.

A catchy jingle or tag line – tag line should be short and easy to remember; it should send your customer a message so it is easily remembered. A catchy jingle - LSS worthy – can also rally help your brand stick to your customers and attract new ones.

Business Daily Media