There is so much pressure to perform in the working world that when applying for jobs, often it comes down to what work experience you have, combined with what formal qualifications you hold. So, at some stage in your life, whether you are fresh out of high school, or ten years into your career, you will probably consider studying part-time or full time to gain extra knowledge and skills, and most importantly, to be awarded with a certificate of completion that provides your resume with the credibility that recruiters and businesses are looking for when they hire. But, deciding on what you want to study is only the beginning of your academic life. There are so many other elements to consider as well when deciding where you want to enrol, that it can be overwhelming. Here are some tips that will help break down the decision and make it easier to decide.
Don’t let studies hold you back
Going to the university of studying further can have great impact on changing the course of your career and your life. But while this is ordinarily regarded as for the better, if you are digging yourself into great debt and starting out a new life with the weight of debt hanging over your shoulders. For this reason, search for the cost of different courses. Compare the price of online qualifications versus classroom-based learning. There are different academic institutions and depending on what you want to study, going to the most expensive may not necessarily be a must. You should consider looking at a student loans company to gauge what your options are in terms of self-funding your studies. Student loans offer better terms of payment and interest rates.
Deciding on the country or city
If you are open to travelling, either abroad or within your own country, so many options will open up. Again, keep it simple, there will be so many that you may get lost in trying to decide where. You may begin rather with deciding where you would fancy studying, if it overseas, then where in the world would you love to live for a couple of months or years? It could be Europe, Asia, Australia or somewhere in America. Once you know which continent, pick one or two countries that seem appealing to you. Then start doing online searches for the course you want to study and see which countries offer these.
Look at ranking
Universities are ranked on many different scales and again, there are several. But, look up a couple of different ranking systems, like the triple-crown which is made up of the AACSN, AMBA and EQUIA ranks or the Financial Times Global Top 100. After a couple of searches, you will begin to see a pattern of the same institutions featuring consistently in the top 20 of each. This will help narrow your search. Once you’ve selected your top three, see if you can find out if anyone in your networks has been there before and ask for a peer review. Social media is a great way to do this.
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