In the retail world, there are many factors that go into attracting customers to your store and keeping them loyal. A good retail merchant understands what it takes to attract new customers and keep them coming back on a regular basis. Since repeat business is crucial to growth and success, offering an easy shopping experience is one of the key areas that can help a retail business stay ahead of the competition. Below are a few guidelines to generate repeat business, attract new shoppers, and keep your employees happy at the same time. Make sure to also consider your insurance options.
Customer Incentives
Offering a reward or incentive can bring in more total sales by converting those interested customer visits into profitable sales. Many e-Commerce sites offer promotions such as free shipping for minimum purchase amounts. This not only brings in more profit, but also encourages customers to keep coming back for good deals.
For retailers without an online shopping platform, try holding a flash sale in store or alternatively, you can always offer a small gift with purchases of a certain size to incentivize spending.
Loyalty Programs
Loyalty programs are a key marketing point for retailers. Not only do they gather data that offers insights into customer preferences, they also increase loyalty, and customer satisfaction.
Limited Edition
If a product you are selling has the perception of being a rare or fast-selling item, it can create a sense of immediacy and urgency for the consumer that can translate into a higher chance of purchase.
For example, adding a limit to how many products a customer can buy can make them instinctively want to buy more. The feeling that something is scarce triggers an emotional response that makes people more willing to consider a purchase, based on nothing more than the item’s popularity.
Free Samples
Who doesn’t love free stuff? When you give out free samples, it makes the customer feel like they are receiving something for nothing. This makes them more likely to come back to the store to ‘return the favour’. In this way, by adding a freebie, you can increase chances that they will buy your items.
The Power of a Good Bargain
Everyone likes to save money. Most consumers don’t necessarily want the cheapest option, but they want to feel like they are getting a great quality product for a fantastic price. You can easily take advantage of this. By placing a very expensive item next to a moderately priced item, you can increase sale of the latter by making it seem like the better option when compared to the expensive one.
Surprise Rewards
Surprises are great! When you are expecting, it doesn’t feel as satisfying as an unexpected treat. So how can you use this to make your customers happy? You can start by sending them a surprise deal, coupon or code. Once you really get to know your client base you can see what gets them going and adjust your strategy more effectively. Be sure to use the right strategy for your target market, and make sure you always use the most effective technique of all – fantastic customer service!
Justify Purchases
It’s common for people to shop with an emotional mindset. After purchasing an item, they may want to validate that purchase not only to themselves but to their loved ones. They need to feel like they have made a smart choice. You can capitalise off this phenomenon by offering a unique experience that they customer will be willing to spend a little bit extra for without thinking about the bottom line.
Celebrate Birthdays
By remembering a customer’s birthday, you can increase their brand loyalty. This simple act of taking the time to show your appreciation increases the likelihood of your customer staying loyal to your company. There are many ways of acknowledging a customer’s birthday. Sending them a signed birthday card, a gift to collect from the store, or sending them a birthday discount are all great options.
Utilise Customer Relationship Management Software
Most retailers use Customer Relationship Management software. There are plenty of straightforward and affordable options available. Your CRM can help you manage customer experiences, as well as customer data. With a CRM, you can analyse your customer base and demographic, analyse the performance of your marketing campaigns and loyalty programs, and remind customers to come back to your store.
A CRM can notify you that a frequent shopper has not been in for a few weeks. Creating a survey to send to customers that have not been in for a while can help you discover what you are doing wrong, what you can improve, and how to entice those customers back to your business and even target and convert new customers. The simple act of reaching out to check on your valued customer can go a long way.
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