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6 Huge Signs Your Business Is Not Secure

If you have a business, making sure you keep it as secure as possible is going to protect your livelihood. If your business isn’t as secure as it could be, you run the risk of having private information stolen (from both your own business and customers), your money swiped from under your nose, and your systems hacked.

Here are 6 huge signs your business is not secure, and an idea of what you should do.

1. You Don’t Have Any Protocols For Data Access

This is a common mistake that many businesses make. It poses a serious risk to systems if anyone can access data without a protocol; simply having ground level security can prevent data loss and theft. Restricting the number of people who have access to information is important.

2. Your Staff Have Not Been Carefully Trained

Carefully training your staff and remaining consistent is key to the security of your business. A VOC will assess the knowledge and skills of your staff. With one of these, you can ensure your business meets health and safety standards, as well as ensure staff are competent enough to carry out their tasks and use equipment.

The biggest risk to security is your own employees. This is down to lack of good training, and is not usually malicious. By training your staff on not only how to use equipment properly, but software, the importance of keeping passwords updated, and more, you can ensure your business is as safe as possible.

3. You Have Insecure Passwords

Password security is so important. They should be a mix of characters and symbols to make it impossible to guess and hard to memorize. Your passwords should be different for everything, and you should change them every so often too. Having a password manager can make this much easier.

4. You Don’t Have A Full Alarm Monitoring System

Having a full alarm monitoring system is crucial; a central station protection system can protect against equipment failures and outages. Having a ul central station system will monitor fire, intrusion, water levels, elevators, temp changes, and more. You can also get video monitoring and supervision in different departments.

5. Your Backups Are Infrequent and Unreliable

It is vital that data is backed up on a regular basis. Cloud services can do this automatically, and you must remember that you run the risk of data loss or corruption if you choose to store locally. Make sure you backup your systems frequently, and choose the cloud.

6. You Have Not Hired A CISO

Having a chief information security officer might sound like a stretch to you, as it is a fairly new role. However, there is data to back up that this is worth the hire. They can introduce a comprehensive cybersecurity program to help you combat attacks and other problems.

If you have spotted these 6 signs in your business, you are not secure. Protect your investment and don’t waste anymore time - rectify the problems listed here and you will keep your business safe.

Business Daily Media