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How To Build And Grow An Email List

Why are we even talking about building an email list in the first place?. Because when we talk about ROI email marketing is the proven and the most-used channel that outperforms any other email marketing channels like Catalogs, SEO, Internet display, mobile, and keyword ads.

An email list is undoubtedly the most valuable asset for a business to have. But building an email list for real is a hill to climb. There are several tested tips that help you build an email list that is free from undeliverable email accounts.

Before you start building an email list it is important to avoid dreaded email list building tactics mentioned below.

Purchasing An Email List - Purchasing an email list is the quickest way to get started for most people. But in reality, buying an email list is the trouble in disguise. Yes, you will be having an email list in no time but the question here is will that email list be qualified for your target audience? Here are a few reasons to stay away from buying an email list.

Unqualified email accounts

Higher chances of being marked as a spam

Lower engagement rates

Email marketing services will ban your account

Scraping An Email List - Email scraping is simply collecting the email addresses that are publicly available via harvesting bots. It can be intriguing to harvest email accounts but can land you and your business in big trouble. Email scraping is illegal in major countries including the United States. Also, the CAN-SPAM act prohibits such email scraping practices.

So now you know what needs to be avoided. Let’s dive into the best practices for building a quality email list for your business.

Offer Value Through Your Content - "Content is undoubtedly the King" you need to provide value to the subscribers through your email blasts. Guides, video tutorials, blog posts, case studies, free trials, and discount codes are some of the very best practices create a highly engaged email audience.

Use multiple options for acquiring emails - There are many methods and channels to acquire emails. You can have a side banner on your blog or resources page. A well-timed pop-up also works well if a user is engaged for a certain time with your content. Here are effective channels to start acquiring email leads.


Landing pages

Contest and Giveaways

Social Ads

Validate Your Email List - There is the hard fact about an email list, the moment you start building an email list it starts to decay. An email validation tool like EmailChecker helps in validating an email list that will help you reach more inboxes and reduce the bouncebacks. Using email validation tool not only cleans an email list but also significantly lowers your mailing cost.

Welcome, Your Subscribers - There is no point of sending emails after days your subscriber has opt-in for your mailing list. Welcome your subscribers through an automated email series that is triggered by their opt-in.

Provide Email Preference Center - Most known factor for unsubscriptions are getting too many emails. Allow your email list subscribers to choose the email preferences and frequency that they would like to receive from you.

Run Re-engagement Campaigns - An engaged email list is always better than a high volume dead email list. If you have not got the desired results from your email list like sharing, clicks, and conversions, consider running a re-engagement campaign that will help you remove email accounts that do not carry any value for your business.

Author Bio - Ali Burhani is an online marketing strategist and founder of Mufaddal InfoTech & Burhani Hosting that helps SaaS tools to grow their digital footprints through social media marketing and strategic link building.
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