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The Caffeine Connection - How Coffee Became a Business Necessity

There was a time when only a select few personalities would get about town with a takeaway coffee. This ‘big city’ gesture has consumed the masses, and one can hardly spot an individual not holding or on their way to getting a cup of coffee. That caffeine connection has changed and strengthened over the years, with businesses understanding that coffee in the workplace has become a real necessity and a smart call to make. If you’re pondering whether to take the plunge, here is how and why coffee has become ingrained into the daily grind.


Telling people that you’re useless before a coffee is no longer a one-liner, but mostly a true statement. It ignites a driver in our bodies, that results in a burst of heightened activity. There would not be one reason why a business would not want to impart this to their employees, particularly when it’s as simple as investing in coffee machine hire. Research also suggests that in addition to real measurable productivity, coffee also gives a placebic feeling of productivity, with many workers gravitating to the coffee machine when they need a recharge.

Customers and clients enjoy the perk

Being on the receiving end of a warm welcome is something your customers and clients do not easily forget. When that welcome is accompanied by a hot cup of coffee? You have established a strong initial connection and one that you can continue to build upon. By creating an inviting scene for those visiting the office, it makes it easier for your employees and account managers to draw those to the office and strengthen relationships or resolve issues faster. It also shows the outside world that you value their comforts and desires.

Morale and team building

Team building is something we can all recognise as important, but it doesn’t always get the time and attention it deserves. Priorities shift, new team members start, and before you know it another calendar year has passed by. How a coffee machine can aid this scenario is that it will become a conduit for social activity, where groups and individuals can gather to grab a coffee and stay for interaction. For a business, it ensures that your employees have a place to debrief on the day, connect with stakeholders and build a genuine want to be at work. What more can you ask of your employees than that? Without a coffee machine, your team members will stay in their team pockets or remain solo when they regularly venture out of your work site to find a coffee. Keep them onsite and keep them engaged.

Attract the people you want

Have you ever thought that your coffee connection has the potential to attract a higher calibre of employee? Sure, the decision to sign a contract does not entirely fall on the shoulders of a coffee machine, but these workplace perks are beginning to sway the market. So, what do employees really want? Things like flexible working, onsite parking and coffee amenities do play a part in selling your business as a place to work and grow, so don’t be left without. You can even add these workplace perks to your company website and Linkedin profile, that way talent will see what you are about and earmark you for their next move.

Caffeine has become synonymous with productivity over the years, with businesses spanning all industries jumping behind the machine for the betterment of their business. The best part about bringing a coffee machine to your office is that you can hire before you take the plunge and invest in a machine.

Business Daily Media