When your business is doing well and you’re starting to see some growth, it’s time to consider bringing on some more employees to help manage the increased workload, and that means you’re going to need to
find a new office building to house them all. Your business can’t run effectively without a suitable office space, but moving your entire company to a new premises is a big task to take on. You’re going to have to close the business while you move and you’re losing money every second that you aren’t operational, so it’s important that you do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you’re planning an office move soon, make sure that you follow these tips to help you get the business up and running again as soon as possible.

Start Planning Early
When you’re moving house, you might start
planning everything a month or so in advance if you’re sensible, but with an office move, you need to start a lot earlier than that. Some large scale office moves take years of planning because there are so many different things that you need to organize. It’s not just about getting all of your stuff moved over to the new office, you also need to think about how you’re going to set the office up, get all of the computers etc. connected up and working, and you also need to inform any partners and suppliers of the move. All of that takes time and if you’re trying to do it in a couple of months, you’re going to struggle.
Pick The Right Moving Company
When you’re choosing a moving company, it’s important that you pick one that has good experience with office moves rather than just doing house moves because there are a lot of specific considerations that need to be made when moving a business. You also need to consider the logistics of actually getting the stuff from one office to the next, so when you’re
renting storage to keep things in during the interim period, try to find a company that will collect and deliver items from the storage unit. That way, you don’t have the added step of organizing that collection. You can take all of the essentials to the new office and start setting up and then the storage company will deliver the rest for you so you just need to focus on getting the business up and running again.
Take An Inventory Before The Move
You’d be surprised just how much equipment you’ve got in the office and it’s easy to lose track of things during the move. That’s why it’s so important that you have each head of department
take an inventory of everything prior to the move. That way, you can be sure that everything has been moved over and nothing is missing, and if there are any problems, you’re aware of them right away and they can be dealt with efficiently.
If possible, you should try to do the office move over a weekend so you’re not losing business hours. If you follow these tips, you should be able to get everything ready in time to open the business the following week.