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Tips from the Vivacious Coaching - how to lead your team through influence

This article on leadership coaching is designed to give you a fair picture of the art of leadership. The Vivacious team coaching will also tell you the wrong perspective on leadership and management, putting managers in opposition with leaders. In fact, leaders and managers are not in opposition, they act in the same direction, but in different ways.

Leadership Definition

Leadership in essence is an art. We talk here about the art of leadership from a correct perspective, using influence. And let's point out this word called influence, to make sure it is understood from the right perspective.

So, your influence as a leader, refers to the ability to get others to get involved. The leadership measurement unit, as John Maxwell says, is the influence and not the position you hold in the organization.

Let's further clarify the definition of authentic leadership. For this we have to discuss two important elements: the leader and the team.

On the one hand, a leader without a team is just a pawn alone on a chessboard. On the other hand, a team without a leader to lead it is just a group of people without direction, without a common goal, without an organizational culture.

Therefore, the definition is the following:

Leader + Team = Leadership

How do you recognize a leader? The answer is simple: see if he has followers. It is really so simple and so precise. If people choose to follow you, then you are a leader. If people do not want to follow you, then you are not a leader. Peter Drucker said that the only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.

John Maxwell said that when the world asks me to define the word leadership, I always say leadership is influential. Nothing more and nothing less. If you can influence people, they will follow you. And I do not know any man without the influence that someone has followed.

How can you become influential?

It’s simple. Keeping people value every day. If you bring value to people's life consciously, you will have a positive influence on them. Very soon they will want to stay close to you. Everything you say and what you do will be important to them. Leadership of influence fully describes the leader. The leader is an influential person. The Life and Leadership Blog can help you learn how to be a better leader and become more influential if you want to learn more on your own.

A leader sees the people in his team as resources that he manages as efficiently as possible to achieve the goals. To know how to drive is not to be able to dominate, but to persuade people to work for a common purpose. For leadership, people are energy resources. You need to best manage the energy of the whole team to get the best results with minimal effort and cost.

Leader + Team = Leadership = Team Energy Management

ABC Exhaustion in Leadership

What if you do not manage the team's energy well? There are several, but I want to point out the most serious ones that really shake the organization from the ground and make the company work on the principle of the rotating door:

  • * Good employees begin to show their dissatisfaction frequently, then start to leave, being attracted by competing firms;

  • * The weak employees begin to come to your firm.

The difference between Leader and Manager

What is the difference between a leader and a manager? This is a question that in most situations places managers in opposition with leaders. But this is a wrong perspective, because in practice, things are not exactly that. Read all about it here.

There is still talk of the difference between Manager vs. Leader, as if there were only differences, as if they were two permanent conflict camps. Let's look at things from a correct perspective: in leadership and management there is a common ground in the management process. There is not just management or just leadership, and here's why:

- any manager has also developed some leadership skills;

- any leader has also developed some management abilities.

Of course, the difference between management and leadership is obvious, but it is not bad. You have to be aware of the others at all times. The others have to see in you an example, someone they can follow.

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