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3 Simple Ways To Expand Your Business

It doesn’t matter whether you are a freelance writer, an importer of small electrical goods or whether you provide bespoke accountancy services to IT contractors, there will come a point when you want to expand your business. While you might be content to bathe in your startup success for a short while, your entrepreneurial spirit will eventually kick in, and you'll be eager to see your business grow and develop. Read on to find out how you can expand your business in three simple steps.

Go Bigger

For many, the idea of expansion is synonymous with getting bigger in some way. This inevitably means speculating in order to accumulate. You might be keen to offer a new service or extend your product range. This could mean moving to a bigger premises, securing the lease on a larger warehouse or taking on more staff. Any of these options could result in you forking out more money before you can reap the financial rewards. Should you need to boost funds in the short term, you could investigate Quickle Loans as companies like this will allow you to manage your repayment plan and structure your loan term in the best way for your business. Injecting cash into your startup can allow expansion to happen and won’t result in your company taking on too much debt.

Go International

If you import products to sell in your home nation, you may be keen to look at options for expanding onto the international stage. This requires a huge amount of market research and can be costly. However, it is vital to ensure that your new market is ready to be tapped for the product you have to offer. Just because the likes of the United States have never seen the type of ball bearing you have for sale before, doesn’t mean they will be ready for it. There may simply not be any need for your product. This is why you must conduct thorough and meaningful market research to ensure that your product is viable.

Go Broader

If you are tempted to break into a new market altogether, consider the implication for your business in its current state. The entity that you have created is hugely successful and you don’t want any expansion to be to the detriment of this success. If you are a restauranteur, you may be keen to branch out into catering for events or street food markets. The link between these two business entities is clear. However, if you want to do a little bit of property developing on the side, the link loses clarity and can lead to two average performing startups rather than the highly successful businesses you had envisaged.

Waving goodbye to your full-time position with exceptional career prospects, great colleagues and a steady wage can be tough. However, seeing your business grow and becoming a successful entrepreneur will make the hours of hard work, sleepless nights and uncertainty worth it.
Business Daily Media