Millions of people use the web every day. Out of those millions of people are sure to be thousands of potential customers. Using specific marketing strategies, you can reach out to these new clientele. Here are just five effective ways to cut through the masses of competition and reach your target audience.
Paid ads
PPC ads are one of the most effective ways of reaching out to new clientele. These can include text ads, which feature at the top of search engines and rely on specially targeted keywords. They can also include display ads, which feature on other people’s websites. An online advertising agency can be worth investing in to help make these ads as effective as possible. You can also create promoted posts on Facebook and Twitter. You can even make your own video ads to display on Youtube.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can help to improve your rankings on search engines such as Google. Customers may be entering keywords related to your business, but your website may not be appearing until the umpteenth page. Investing in SEO may help you to appear on the first page and therefore result in more visitors coming across your page.
Cross-promotion is a marketing strategy whereby two businesses offer to promote one another. Both companies can benefit from this by both sharing one another’s web audience. You could agree to promote their business on Facebook in return that they do the same for you. You could both advertise one another on your websites. You could even write a guest blog on one another’s website.

Social media influence
There are lots of ways to use social media as a marketing tool. Most of these methods are good for keeping previous clients in the loop – most content you post will be read by people who already follow you on Facebook and Twitter. However, you can use social media to reach out to new customers. As mentioned previously, promoting posts is one way of doing this. However, by far the most effective method is to use social media influence. Paying someone with a huge following to endorse your company is a sure way to get more exposure. Consider whether you know of anyone with a huge following that would be willing to promote your on social media.
Positive online reviews
Many people choose online businesses based on their reputation. Having positive reviews on sites like Trip Advisor could help to convert new customers over to your side. In order to ensure positive reviews outweigh the negative ones, you should encourage any happy customer you work with to leave a positive review. Many people also look highly upon testimonials – these are positive comments that a company then chooses to display on their website. If people praise your services in an email or over the phone or in person, ask if you can quote their feedback and display it in the testimonials section of your website.
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