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Top Design Tips for Your Business Website

Every business today needs to maintain an online presence, whether it is a full website or social media profiles. There are several reasons why businesses should aim to design and develop an effective website and not rely entirely upon their social media profiles to fulfill the same functions.

Put Yourself in the Customer’s Shoes

Most customers today will expect businesses to have a professional looking website and not being able to easily find one can actually put customers off using your business at all! Put yourself in their shoes: if you’re looking for a particular product or service, the first thing you will do is look online to find the best available price or the nearest provider.If a business doesn’t have a website appear in those search results, they are throwing away potential customers.

Once customers find your business’s website, there are certain things that they will expect to be able to easily find such ascontact details, opening hours, and a breakdown of exactly what it is that the business offers. If prices are prominently displayed on your website, this will make customers more likely to make a purchase, whether it is through your website or in an offline retail store.

Don’t Overcomplicate

The most important aspect of website design is functionality. Above all else, it is important that our website is easy to use and navigate for those who are looking at it for the very first time. Making your website look attractive is obviously also important, but it should be a secondary consideration to making sure that visitors to your website can easily access all the information they could possibly want about your business.

It can be tempting to add a plethora of features to your website in the belief that more interaction will = draw in the audience and make your site more effective. Interaction certainly can be effective at drawing the user in, but needless features will clutter up the page and waste time that could be spent on designing the essential components.

Keep It Updated

Your website is no good if you simply put it up and then just leave it alone. You need to ensure that the information on the site is kept up to date and that you add new content and updates so that visitors can easily see that it is an active website.If you neglect your website, then customers will stop using it and they might even assume it reflects that your business is no longer operating.


Search engine optimisation (SEO) involves using a variety of different techniques to raise your website's profile in search results listings. For example, if you operate a used car business in Brisbane then you will want your website to appear at the top of the first page when people search for Cars Brisbane.

It is important that your business website is designed with the customer in mind and that it is well designed and maintained. Look into SEO options You can either implement them yourself or you can hire a specialist service who will manage your SEO for you.

Business Daily Media